The Gladers In Divergent Faction : Candor

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Thomas: black and white, huh

Minho: Guys I dont know if I can get used to this honesty thing

Newt: well, lets have a QnA.

Gally: Okay!!

Newt: hmmm, lets start with....Minho! Do you like Gally?

Thomas: Bro....


Gally: I will not kill you!!

Newt: okay, then. Minho your turn.

Minho: okay, Thomas, do you like Newt?

Thomas: yes.

Gally: That was, quick

Minho: I mean like like. You know, as a boyfriend.

Thomas: yeah... I like Newt.

Thomas kisses Newt on the cheek

Gally: okay okay, Newt, do you like Thomas back.

Newt: ummm.... I can say it, I want to admit it, but I can.. OW.. can.. okay, so I like Thomas and I know, I know..... MJNHO LIKE THOMAS!!!!

A / N

Hey guys. School is over for me but I am very, very sad. One of my best friends is moving away and I am going to miss her. So a shoutout to her. She is in Sync squad along with @CanadianGirlz , jessica, and Imention a user
I love her to bits.

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