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Charlie's breathing was slow.

Nick watched as his chest rose and fell. His full lips twitched as his dreams. His eyelashes fluttered and tickled the nape of Nick's neck.

They were content like this.

Nick's eyes lulled to the bedroom ceiling. He stared briefly at the paintwork, his eyelids drawing heavy as a comfortable silence overtook the room.

Well, almost silence. Nellie occasionally let out a small grunt or kicked at the sheets in her sleep.

Quietly, Nick reached down to place a hand between the dog's ears, giving her a gentle scratch.

Everything was perfect.

"Nicky," his mother chirped into the silence.

Instantly, Nick's hand fell from the soft dog's fur as she perked up and tilted her head toward the door.

Just a couple more minutes like this, he thought while squinting his eyes.

Alas, Charlie began to stir as the wood creaking toward the room became more apparent, slowly rolling off Nick and stretching while rubbing his eyes.

Nick couldn't contain the small smile. He made a mental note to tell him how he cute he was later.

"Nicky? Can I come in, darling?"

She must have been right outside now because Nellie leaped off the bed with a jingle of her collar and began sniffing the crack under the door, pawing at it a tad before doing a spin toward her owner.

"Yeah, come in," he hollered back, taking in a breath as he heaved himself to sit up some, Charlie still half asleep on the pillow beside him, eyeing the door with a half-awake squint.

It crept open and Sarah Nelson peeked around the corner, a bit timidly at first--and then with her loving smile growing upon seeing the two, she stepped in, giving Nellie a bit of a chin rub who affectionately rolled over and offered her belly, tail wagging.

"It's half six so I wanted to come up and let you boys know so Charlie isn't out past his curfew."

Her gaze shifted to the sleepy teenager. Charlie threw her back a small smile. He adored Nick's mother.

"Thanks, Mum," Nick hummed, "he'll be out on time, I promise."

Sarah gave her son a knowing look; she could clearly tell he really didn't want Charlie to leave.

"You know school's back tomorrow--"

Before the sentence was even finished, both boys let out exasperated groans, the smaller of the two burying his head into Nick's pillow.

"Just a reminder! Charlie might have some important things he needs to do to prepare for school."

They both let out another groan, a playful smile on Nick's face.

"Stop saying that word!" He laughed.

His Mum smiled at him, showing her teeth as she leaned back against the door, halfway out of it.

"Right. I'll leave you two to it. Oh, and Nicholas, don't forget, Nellie needs a walk before it gets dark."

The door was shut softly, only indicating that it was fully closed by the metal click that came through.

Nick stared at the blank door, noting Nellie had gone out too.

He rubbed his hands through his hair for a second, feeling the smaller boy shift beside him.

As he glanced back, he saw Charlie, head rested against a pillow, deep blue eyes gazing right back into his with the softest smile playing on his lips.

Even after all this time together, Nick's breath caught in his throat seeing him like that.

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