memories long forgotten.

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The Wizarding war was still at its height. People were still fighting, families standing along side each other, fighting one another, people were dying— a fight to survive. Voldemort still seeking more power, not relenting until the pure blood beliefs were set across Britain.

It was a rare thing to get some true peace and quiet. No waiting for an attack, not setting out on a mission, not worrying about you life. But just for this moment, a small passing of time, James Potter and Lily Evans were in their own bubble— nothing could hurt them now.

James was marvelling down at the small child in his hands, standing right by his wife's bedside in the hospital room as she cradled another baby in her own arms. Deep swirls of brown and green similar to his own looked back at him, "Hello, Michael" the man cooed in a soft voice.

Twins is was. Michael came first and only twelve minutes later Harry made his way into the world as well. And they were perfect. Small little babys with big shining eyes. Elements of their parents in both of them already showing.

James was crying, happy tears trailing down his cheeks as Michael's small hand curled around one of his fingers. Harry was watching his mother with the same look of wonder in his eyes, bright green, a striking resemblance to the woman's own. Both of them had soft tuffs of dark hair, Michael's a bit lighter but still that of their fathers.

"I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you, my boy... my little Mikey" the baby just kept looking up at him, his eyes searching the new world around him. James wanted to show him it all, all the good bits, he would make sure these kids had everything they could need in this world.

Lily was watching her husband, so content that she never wanted to leave this moment. She had woken up earlier and just watched James sitting in the arm chair with both of the boys, enjoying this huge step in her life. Now looking back down at her son— a child she actually created, was surreal, she wanted to protect her boys from anything that could possibly harm them. "Do you want to get the others?"

James looked up, taking a moment to realise what she had actually said and his smile came back over the previous amazement on his face, "Okay... is Harry not asleep?" He kept his voice quiet, not wanting to disturb the peace of the room.

"He woke up not long ago, it'll be fine" she assured and shifted in her bed, pushing up further so she could take Michael too. James nodded and carefully handed him over, the two baby's looked at each other now, big eyes looking at each other almost a mirrored image.

It was only a few minutes before James was coming back through the door, big smile as he looked as he took in the image of his wife holding their children, "Oh, come on, Prongs. I want to see them" a hushed voice ushered him from behind the doorway.

Sirius pushed through, James chuckling quietly and standing aside to let the other two men in. It was moment of silence before Sirius gasped and looked at Lily, "Could I hold one of them?"

The woman nodded and Sirius reached out, picking up one of the twins, wide eyes and bright smile looking down at this magnificent baby. "His name's Harry" James informed him lightly, Sirius nodding positively at the name.

Lily looked over at the small man stood just behind Sirius, "Here, Peter, you can hold Michael, if you wish"

"Oh, hello Michael" Peter smiled down at the little baby, it was weird, the eyes of his best friend looking back at him but through a different person. He glanced up with a cheeky smile, "Looks just like you, James"

They all laughed quietly, James nodded and pulled a hand up to brush the spilling tears away, "Well, come on Moony" he gestured at the taller man, standing silently at the back.

To Be Free, h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now