Chapter Four: Celia

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      Two other countires have sent diplomats to offer their Prince. One Prince actually came himself. I was unimpressed by the diplomats, and even more unimpressed with the Prince. I think that even my parents are starting to lose hope. So far, every single offer has lacked defense and without help Tithania will start pushing our boarders. Our military numbers are starting to drop. Ardella had to begin drafting soldiers two years ago because enlistments stopped rolling in. It was an extremely unpopular decision with the people, but what other choice was there? No one wants this country to fall to Tithania.
      At dinner, we were served roasted duck with a large variety of steamed and roasted vegtables. The table in the Great Hall is always set perfectly. Each fork, knife, spoon, and plate is arranged perfectly, and each napkin intricately folded. I have always thought it was silly to put that much effort into one meal for three people, even if we are royalty.
      "Celia, we will have another guest tomorrow," my father tells me. "The Prince of Stettonberg will be arriving in the morning. I want you to treat him better than you treated the Prince of Gehm last week."
      "I was nice to him! I even smiled."
      "Everyone in that room can tell you are not happy about this arrangement. I know it isn't ideal, but think of the benefits. You are doing a great service to this country."
      "I know, Dad. I really will try tomorrow, I promise."
That night, I lay in bed wondering about the Prince of Stettonberg. I try to list the things I know about his country. I know their castle overlooks the eastern coast. I know that they have been at peace for almost four decades since their country was established. The King and Queen have many children. I once overheard the advisors gossiping about how they haven't picked which brother was going to ascend to the throne.
I feel a warm ball of fur move next to my feet. Stalls purrs, begging for attention. I always give it to her when she asks. My cat curls up next to me like she does every night. As I pet her, I wonder if Dean would like Stalls.
The next morning, Gina wakes me up by pulling open every single curtain in the room. It becomes annoyingly bright. Gina, who is always way too enthusiastic in the mornings, gives me a smile.
      "Good morning, Your Royal Highness. I brought pastries!" I look behind her and see she has set a large trey of pastries on my table. She knows me well.
      "Gina, you are my favorite person ever right now." I get out of bed and immediately go for a strawberry tart, not bothering to even change out of my nightgown. "These are amazing."
      Gina laughs and nods her head. "The chef told me that one was your favorite."
      Two strawberry tarts and one scone later, Gina has pulled a few dressed for me to look at. "I heard another prince was coming today. I thought you'd want something extra beautiful."
      I look at my choices. I pick out a silky red dress with short sleeves. It is simple, but so stunning at the same time. After Gina helps me put on an awful corset and the red dress, I let her pick out earrings and a necklace to go with it. She goes back into my closet, and returns with a diamond necklace that I would never pick out by myself.
      "I think these will look amazing with that dress," she says. She is right, it is very pretty. I stare at myself in the mirror as she puts my hair up and applies a touch of blush on my cheeks.  
      "Prince Dean will think you are the prettiest girl he has ever seen." She smiles. "Maybe you will think he is pretty too."
      "Even if I did, there is no way I will like his personality. I've never met a prince that wasn't a total snob."
      "Before I met you, I would've assumed you were the same way." I look at her but before I can speak she says, "all I'm saying is you shouldn't judge him before you meet him."
      I remember the promise I made my father yesterday. They are both right. I need to meet him with an open mind. He could be sweet and compassionate. I may even find him attractive. There is a chance we have more than crowns in common. I mentally decide that I will try my best to make Prince Dean feel welcome. Even if Stettonberg doesn't offer any added protection, it wouldn't hurt to make a friend.
      Gina puts a few more pins in my hair and hands me a mirror. "All done! What do you think?"
      "I love it, thanks Gina, for everything."
      Two knocks on my door tell me it is time to go. I give Gina a quick hug and she winks.
      "Give him a chance, okay?"
      I nod. "I will."

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