Chapter Six: Dean

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      I practiced my speech the entire flight. I am pretty sure even Jed could recite it from memory now. I don't want to mess up and look like a fool. I've been shaking with nerves since I got off the plane.
      "Dean, are you okay?" Jed looks me in the eyes. "You look nervous."
      "Great, do I? Now I only feel worse Jed. Thanks."
      "You have nothing to worry about. Last I checked you didn't even want to be a king." He is right. I didn't, and I still don't, but looking through that file before I left did change things.
      Jed and I are currently being escorted by Ardellan guards to the meeting room. I was hoping I would have a little time to freshen up after our flight, but it looks like that won't be happening. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to put life back into it. I ask Jed if I look okay and he tells me I'm overthinking things.
      We finally arrive to a set of very large doors. The doors are probably double my height, which really means something because I am a very tall guy. They are wooden but have little carvings on them. They match the rest of the Palace perfectly. It is much older than Stettonberg's castle, but it has so much more character. I like it here already.
      The doors open and before I step inside I give Jed one last look. He gives me an encouranging nod and it gives me enough confidence to walk through the doors. The king and queen are sitting at the end of the room, Celia at their side. She is even more beautiful in person. She is wearing a red dress that almost makes my heart stop. I hope she doesn't notice that I can barely take my eyes off of her. She looks uncomfortable and for a second, I wonder if it is my presence that is making her feel that way.
      I bow to her father, the King of Ardella. "Your Majesty, it is wonderful to finally meet you. I am Prince Dean of Stettonberg, third in line to the throne."
      "Hello, Dean. It means a great deal to us that you've traveled all this way."
I launch into the speech I memorized before I forget all of the words.
"I've traveled here today to meet the wonderful Celia. My family in Stettonberg would like to formally create an alliance through the marriage of your daughter and I. In exchange for some political responsibilities as King of Ardella, Stettonberg would like to help defend Ardella from your rival country, Tithania. We may have been at peace for the entirety of our nation's creation, but we have plenty of trained men and the opportunity to expand our military budget. If this is insufficient, my father is willing to negotiate terms." The King's eyes go wide and he looks at his wife. Even Celia looks shocked.
It makes me think I have just offered exactly what they were looking for.
      "Prince Dean, we would be honored to host you for a few weeks while we work out an agreement with your father and you get to know my daughter. I think this will prove to be very successful."
      I try to contain my excitement. "Thank you, Your Majesty, I would be honored to stay." I bow again and a guard escorts me back to the large doors. Jed is talking to some of the other guards. When he sees me, he immediately flocks to my side.
      "Dean, how did it go?"
      "It was great. They've offered to host me for a few weeks to try and sort out an agreement."
      "That's amazing! You might be a king someday!" I had almost forgotten about that. My excitement had nothing to do with it, but had more to do with the fact that even Celia seemed happy about the arangement.
      Another guard comes out of the large doors and behind him a small man wearing a suit with many pins. "Hello, Prince Dean, I am Harry, the King's personal attendant and I will be showing you to your rooms. Follow me please."
      Before we can make it to the end of the hallway, Celia comes bursting through the doors. "Harry, wait!" she says, "I thought I could actually take Dean to his rooms."

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