y'all..I'm not sorry lmao

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Me: man I forgot about y'all again-
Sun: HOW??
Moon: aye, least we got cooler designs
Eclipse: why's Lunar doing taxes..
Lunar: *sitting at front desk, doing TAXES* this is my life now, fuck off.
Sun: LANGUAGE *badboyhalo voice*
Moon: again??
Eclipse: it was funny before but now it's just weird-
Lunar: will you idiots leave to let me work?
Eclipse: meh. *fades into oblivion*
Moon: where in tf-
Sun: oh thank god he's go-
Eclipse: *reappears* SUP NIGGA *shoots Sun with a fazzer-blaser*

FNAF/SB being drunk/on drugs/being themselves! + me & my extrasWhere stories live. Discover now