Chapter 1 Charlotte's POV

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The Hogwarts express is undoubtedly the best way to get to the castle. When I began my schooling in my fifth year my mentor, Professor Fig, thought it best to take a flying carriage. He assured me that it'd be more comfortable than being trampled by all the excited first years on the train. That specific trip ended with a dragon, a portkey and a detour to Gringotts bank. Looking back I would've preferred the shoe prints on my forehead to my carriage being torn in half.

Last year was my first year taking the train. Sebastian and Ominis met my parents and I at Kings Cross where, with my brother following close behind, we walked through platform 9 3/4 just in time. My brother, Jameson, or Jamie as I call him when he's cross with me, which is always, abandoned us quickly to find his Gryffindor friends all nostalgic and excited to begin their last year at Hogwarts. Quite the insufferable bunch, always playing pranks and off in their own world, but they meant well and I loved them anyway.

With my best friends by my side, I boarded the train for the first time. The assortment of smells was indeed magical and immensely comforting. I could smell the sweet treats off the trolley along with various aromas of my classmate's home's still clinging to their clothes. I began to see a few of my friends, Natty and Poppy were sitting with Garreth and Amit laughing and discussing the classes they looked forward to. The boys led me to a private car where we all sat down finally reunited.

Sebastian and I wrote to one another all summer and although I never got the chance to admit it to him, I saved every single letter his owl delivered me. Ominis had stayed in Feldcroft with Sebastian again partially because he despised returning home to the Gaunts, but mostly because we were both worried about Sebastian being in that house alone. It had been his first summer without Anne but he remained his usual charming, and cheeky, self. He had heard from his twin a few weeks before and there was already a small gleam returning to his eyes. I wrote to Ominis as well however not nearly as much as I feel now I should have. Most of our conversations had been about Sebastian and how he was fairing or new spells we had been practicing, never much substance to them.

Now here we are boarding the train for our seventh year, the smells and sounds all exactly as I remember. Nerve wrecked first years saying goodbye to parents standing on the platform. My seventh year peers welcoming each other back, some with teary eyes and hugs but all with love. I knew before coming here this time would be different and with only Ominis by my side now, the harsh reality is setting in. Not only is this the last time I'll be coming back to Hogwarts as a student I always thought Sebastian would've come back by now.

"You lead the way, I'll follow." Ominis' voice snaps me out of my trance. My hand reaches down to pick up the small bag I brought with me for the ride, only to realize Ominis has scooped it up and is already carrying it for me.

"Yes of course. Thank you, Ominis." I take his free hand and guide him through the train until I find an empty car for us to occupy.

    Since it had only been Anne in Feldcroft now, Ominis felt it inappropriate to stay there and had debated returning to his family home for the summer. The only way I was able to convince him to stay with my family and I was by assuring him he was more than welcome and by making the argument that since both my parents and my brother would be there, there would be no place for slander. Eventually he caved and for the first few weeks, I was sure I'd regret the whole thing before the end of summer.

The two of us seemed tossed together like an unexpected, unfair joke. We weren't sure how to speak to one another so for a time it was just awkward silence. With Seb gone there was nobody there for either of us in moments of anger or sadness, the job fell upon us. In a flash we weren't only depending on each other out of obligation or convenience. We began sharing secrets and spending time properly getting to know each other. I told him all the feelings I had for Sebastian that I never got to speak aloud with anyone other than Poppy in the common room. Some of the talk around the castle had been that Sebastian was courting me however, officially, neither of us had spoken of it. On nights when I woke in screams convinced my nightmares were still my reality, Ominis was there and told me of his nightmares too. He shared with me his desire to be truly loved by someone someday, without expectations or conditions. His dream of living a peaceful life with a family he builds, as far away from blood purity as possible taught me what a kindhearted person he is at his core. I've grown to trust Ominis, more than I trust myself sometimes.

My parents grew quite fond of Ominis as well, always telling us both to cherish our friendship and use it to find light in the darkest hours. Even my grumpy big brother began to enjoy what became a morning routine for us all, in which Jamie would have the brightest smile on his face while arguing intently over any subject Ominis might voice his unwavering opinion on. Having Jamie tag along on some of our summer adventures made me feel normal again. We never played together much when we were kids I suspect because I didn't have my magic yet. Now that I had become a powerful witch he wasn't as distant towards me. He tagged along with Ominis and I whenever we ran errands for my parents and even let us hangout with him and his friends a few times. However my father helped set Jamie up with a new job at the Ministry of Magic as an Unspeakable so our time drinking butterbeers, dueling and daydreaming ended a month before the summer did. Since then it's been just my parents, Ominis and I at home. I have to admit it's been peaceful, still I miss before when it wasn't so quiet. I've always been comfortable in the chaos. I try to shake all the memories and focus on my friend sitting before me.

"Four chocolate frogs, a box of every flavor beans and two pumpkin pasties, please." As he speaks I wonder how Ominis is more aware and prepared than I am. I hadn't even noticed the older woman pushing the trolley standing outside the door of our car.

He even looks more put together with his hair slicked back as usual, not a single strand out of place. He wore an emerald green button up shirt tucked into black formal trousers and on the seat next to him rested a woolen grey jumper, a small Slytherin crest stitched into it. He appears ready for anything while I on the other hand, have my messy red hair braided back lazily and had thrown on the first thing I accio'd off my floor this morning, a casual grey voyager garb. Perhaps changing into my Hufflepuff uniform will help. Could it really be that none of this is bothering him? Isn't he missing Sebastian just as much as I am?

"Why so many chocolate frogs?" I chuckled amused at the amount of candy he bought, knowing I'd end up with most of it by the end of the night.

"One for each of us. It feels natural to honor Sebastian and Anne with sweets. The pumpkin pasties are both for you, I know they are your favorites and you seem quite distracted today. Nothing extra treats can't cheer up I hope." He smiles gently in my direction and I realize my friend is just as anxious as I am, he's only learned to conceal it better. As I open my mouth to thank him the door to our car is pulled open quickly revealing none other than, Garreth Weasley.

"Oi! Charlie! Ominis! Glad I've found you both I need a couple people to try out this new brew. Care to indulge me?"

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