Chapter 4 Charlotte's POV

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The Great Hall is lit up with what appears to be a hundred or more floating candles and there are banners hanging above the four long tables, representing each of the houses. I say a quick goodbye to Ominis as we enter. Moments like this, I wish I could sit with my friends from other houses as well as my Hufflepuffs. Listening to Headmaster Black's welcome back speech every year annually resulted in Poppy and I stifling our laughter until tears stream down our faces.

"You wanted to break the rules a bit this year, correct?" Ominis asks as I begin walking toward my reserved seat next to Poppy. I turn on my heel to face him again with a huge smile on my lips.

"Ominis Gaunt, have you finally been corrupted by the likes of me? Have I succeeded in what so many before me have tried but failed at? What kind of trouble shall we seek out? Sneaking into the restricted section? Or perhaps pranking some Gryffindor's? I've got it! We'll write Imelda another love letter from Duncan!" As I finish blurting out the last suggestion he grabs the elbow of my robes and pulls me away from the entrance.

"Quiet already. Someone will overhear you. I've not been corrupted by you or anyone else for that matter. Join me later in the undercroft," Ominis smiled and lifted his wand to guide him away, "And bring Poppy with you."

I must've heard him wrong. Bring Poppy to the undercroft with me? In fifth year when Sebastian
snuck me into the undercroft and Ominis caught me returning to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower he'd gone mental. Yelling at me for telling him to go easy on Seb and claiming he doesn't need advice on his oldest friend. He barely acknowledged me in classes or the halls for weeks after the ordeal. Ominis seemed a tad jealous that day though I've never addressed it with him.

The undercroft has been a family secret passed down through the Gaunt line for generations and Ominis was very protective of what he felt was his sanctuary. Sebastian, Anne and I, up until now, had been the lucky few invited to feel at home there as well. Perhaps Ominis was ensuring that for our last year at Hogwarts we wouldn't be sulking around the undercroft missing both our friends. I wondered as I sat down at the Hufflepuff table, if I should share my room of requirement with my comrades. Poppy especially would love to meet all of my beasts.

"What was Ominis looking so cheeky about over there? Did he say something about me?" Poppy asked with a hint of admiration in her voice. Had she overheard us? As close as Poppy and I had become there was still a few secrets in our friendship and it appeared this was the year they'd come to light.

"In fact, he did. We've got a little adventure planned for the three of us tonight if you're daring enough." I smile at her as she nods her head with enthusiasm. She opens her mouth to respond and is interrupted by a most obnoxious cough.

Headmaster Black was standing at the owl lecturn in the front of the Great Hall with his hands extended towards the ceiling, "Quiet students!" he shouts before continuing, "This year is very exciting indeed. After two long school years with no quidditch I am happy to announce that you all have me to thank for reinstating the bloody game. Madam Kogawa will be teaching flying along with holding a special trial to decide what seventh year students will be captain of their house team and proceeding that we will hold try outs for the rest of the team as well. It is very important for you all to remember quidditch is no ordinary game, students have been severely injured in previous years and I'd prefer to avoid any howlers from parents or the ministry regarding your inabilities to stay atop your brooms. Onto our next order of business!"

I let Black's voice trail off and focus on Ominis across the room. He seemed rather annoyed by Imelda Reyes whispering to him frantically. As I watch her continue on her rant she glances up and our eyes meet for a moment before the crowded tables help me evade her view of me. Of course Imelda would be trying for Slytherin quidditch captain. I never turn down an opportunity to best her, I've beaten her every year in the timed flying trials since my arrival. Imelda is an exceptionally bright witch and she's especially adept on a broom, not as bright or as fast as I am or she'd be able to beat me. I'd quickly taken the title of Kogawa's favorite pupil from her. Sixth year Imelda reveled in the rumors surrounding me, exploiting each of them in attempts to throw me off my game. She told Sebastian when he confronted her that it was nothing personal and that I still needed thicker skin. Extra practice might be necessary to keep up with her but it's well worth it and though Ominis is one of my best friends, I'm determined to humble any Slytherin who hisses any rubbish about Hufflepuff's team this term.

"Oh Merlin, how exciting! You'd be a natural captain, Charlie. Ominis and I can cheer you on together during each match it'll be  so much fun for all of us, don't you think?" Poppy might not realize it herself yet, each time she brings up Ominis the corners of her mouth turn up a little. I wonder if he fancies her as well thinking back on his invitation for later this evening. Some sleuthing is definitely in order.

After the sorting ceremony and feast we all headed back to our common rooms. Poppy and I stayed up for a bit listening to Adelaide Oaks tell Charlotte Morrison and Arthur Plummly all about her summer working with her uncle.

Poppy yawns and leans toward me before whispering, "Is it time for our adventure now or must we wait for them to all go to sleep?"

"Let's just sneak out now Ominis is most likely awaiting our arrival already." With that the two of us sneak out of the barrels that conceal our common room and begin sneaking our way through the castle. I cast revelio at every turn listening for peeves and any lurking prefects. As we pass through the grand staircase and head to the dark arts tower I hesitate questioning the sound of a large stone moving. Or was it a door closing?

"Did you hear something Poppy?" I closely watch the one eyed witch statue half expecting Garreth to jump out and get us all caught.

"I didn't hear anything. We shouldn't linger too long though I don't want a detention before we get to the fun bits of the adventure!" I almost laugh aloud at how nervous she sounds whispering and checking over her shoulders. Detention had become half the fun of breaking the rules for me but she's right and I'm sure Ominis will get worried soon if we don't arrive.

I continue leading Poppy towards the undercroft and when we reach the burning witch painting I'm certain we're being followed, I'm also certain I know who it is. I cast revelio once more and survey the area with a quick glance for any professors walking around. When I'm sure it's only Poppy, me and our stalker I give Poppy the signal to be extra quiet.

"Okay Garreth game over I know you're there. When exactly did you begin following us?" I ask firmly but in a hushed tone.

"Fancy seeing you ladies here," he chuckles and steps out from his hiding place behind a suit of armor, "Don't give me that look Charlie I was only curious about the 'adventure' and more importantly the 'fun bits' I overheard Poppy whispering about." Garreth could be almost as charming as Sebastian was sometimes but I'd never tell him that. He smiles and continues, "Truthfully, I'm a bit hurt you didn't invite me on this little late night excursion. A year ago when we last snuck out you told me how much you wished to do it again, changed your mind about us already?"

"This happens to be a girls night the last time I checked you, Garreth Weasley, are not a girl. And as for last year I only agreed to sneak out in the first place because I needed into the restricted section and your experiment happened to make a decent distraction. I promise to invite you next time as long as you go back to whatever you were doing out of bed in the first place." Ominis would most likely not appreciate me bringing an uninvited guest to our hideout and as much as I might enjoy Garreth's company, I'd need Ominis' permission on this one.

"Oh no darling you can't get rid of me that easily. Besides, I've accomplished what I snuck out for already and my new brew will not be done until morning. You can either tell me what we're up to or I can continue silently following you both. You know you want me to tag along." I stutter and glance at Poppy before looking back at his green puppy dog eyes.

"Let him accompany us Charlotte he's not going to let it alone. Ominis can't be too cross with us about it anyway. Without Garreth there's only one troublemaker and what fun would that be?" Poppy never ceases to amaze me. This wasn't my secret to share but maybe Garreth coming with us could grant Poppy and Ominis an opportunity to spend a moment together.

"I thought you said it was a girls night? Ominis isn't a girl either so you have no excuse to abandon me. You'd really leave your favorite Gryffindor to spend the first night back all alone? C'mon please." More puppy eyes. Seems I'm left with no other choice.

"Natty is my favorite Gryffindor. I suppose you can come with us but you'll both have to tell Ominis I tried to keep the secret. I won't be blamed for the outcome." I chuckle and wave for them to follow me.

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