Your song

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"Honey... hey.. honey" nikki whispers quitley in your ear, poking at your cheek gently like a kid waking up his mum to show her something hes proud of. "Babyyyyy" he says alittle louder causing you to blink your eyes open alittle, slowly focusing on your boyfriend. He wore his grey shirt and tight black boxers, his hair a mess and his face alittle bloated from just waking up. "Nikki?" You say sleepily, rubbing your eyes "morning love.. good morning" he speaks with a hint of exitement, peaking your curiosity "what is it? What have you done? " he smiles alittle as you finally ask him, a nervous smile on your face "i wrote a song.." he picks up his accoustic guitar, sitting next to you on the bed "came to me last night in a dream.. wait... let me just" he plays the chords roughly and hums along to make sure hes still got it while you sit up, smiling in exitement for what he will show you.

"Okay.." he plucks the strings softly, in an order that sounded angelic. You listen close and focus on his face, seeing the way he smiled softly and the way his eyes blinked at each bar he does as if to keep track of the beats. He sings quitley, you couldnt exactly make out the words since he was so quite but you scootch closer to listen and rest your head on his shoulder. He sang about love, about recovering, about life and death and every lyric was so beautiful. When he finishes he places the guitar down and looks at you with a small smile "well? Was it okay?" He shrugged as if he was just some guy who made a crappy song. You smile from ear to ear, nuzziling into his neck lovingly "it was gorgeous.. i really loved it" nikki giggled alittle and held you into him "im glad.. i wrote it for you.." he spoke quitley into your ear, laying back down with you, he wrapped his long arms around your body and held you into his chest, smiling, knowing this is his safe place, knowing he didnt need to fear change or what life had in store as long as you were with him..

(Hope this is alright, ive not wrote for months and feel like i should pick it up again!)

Sixx seconds to love ~ (nikki sixx one shots with a story line)Where stories live. Discover now