What If This Storm Ends(The Lightning Strike)?- LokiXDead!Reader Songfic

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This is barely edited and was written at midnight. I'm sorry for any mistakes.
The song is by Snow Patrol. I don't own the marvel characters. **the italics are flashbacks**

Another clap of thunder shook the skies above the castle, and a flash of lightning illuminated every corridor and room.

You were completing your 100 left-hand brush strokes through your long h/c hair when a solid object bounced off of your window. Placing the brush down gingerly, you gathered all of your hair onto your right shoulder and headed for the balcony, opening the door with caution, stepping towards the edge. As you peered over the edge, you met the gaze of a familiar boy, who had a rock in his hand.

"Loki," you smiled, giggling, "what are you doing outside my window?"

"Y/N, have you not noticed the storm? I thought you of all people would be the most amazed by it," he replied with a shrug and gesture to the sky, tossing the rock to the ground," I do not think there will be another like it!"

What if this storm ends?
And I don't see you
As you are now
Ever again

"It is wonderful!" you agreed with awe, sighing as you gazed up towards the mass of twisted, abstract grey clouds overhead.

"Come down here, I have something to show you," the young prince told you eagerly, waving you down with a nimble hand.

You made a face.

"Mother and father-"

"No one has to know. It is a well-kept secret," he continued convincingly, and a grin broke out onto your lips, "you need not tell anyone."

"Alright. I will join you in a moment," you decided, giggling excitedly as you grabbed a f/c cloak from your wardrobe, stealthily opening your room door and closing it just as silently, passing unheard through the hallways of the palace. Your shoes made almost no sound as you tread on the lavish carpets.

The boy's eyes gleamed as you approached. The wind was whipping your hair about in frantic messes. As another roll of thunder sounded, you swore the ground shook. As you and your childhood companion exchanged gazes, lightning touched down in the distance, the bolt flashing just behind you.

The perfect halo
Of gold hair and lightning
Sets you off against
The planet's last dance

"Come now, we mustn't dilly-dally," you laughed innocently when he said that, he sounded rather silly, "or the storm will end before I will have gotten the chance to show you my surprise."

"Which way?"

"That way, towards the trees," he pointed eastward, and in your childish excitement, began running, throwing your head back to look at the boy who began catching up with you. The pair of you knew those trees well. You played there often, using sticks as swords and living out your fantasies of being warriors, defending your home valiantly alongside Thor and his friends.

You wanted to prove yourself, your worth.

You also noticed the runes you had carved into the ancient bark.

"Is it much farther?" you questioned after a few minutes of silence, venturing deeper and deeper into the forest. It was growing dark, and your only light sources were the inconsistent forks of electricity that hailed from the sky.

Your eyes caught the gleam of each flash, causing them to glow and brighten in the darkness of late evening.

Just for a minute
The silver forked sky
Lit you up like a star
That I will follow

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