"Looking for me?"

20 2 0

Fandom: Doctor Who

Theme: captivity, kidnapped

Round 3

**Monkey business competition**

Rory NewBridge winced painfully as her eyelids fluttered open, displaying merely darkness before her. Propping herself up on her weak elbow for some frail support, she rubbed her cold forehead with a grimy hand. She grimaced in disgust at the state of her environment.

'Doctor?' Her call for help was a pathetic croak, and she coughed a few times at the inhale of a fistful of dust before she attempted again, 'doctor?'

She began shaking, a cold chill sliding uncomfortably down her spin and neck, her fears creeping up mercilessly on her growing frantic mind.


Her only reply was her faint echo as she slumped to the cold, cement ground in defeat. Her lower lip quivered tremendously and her body slowly racked with sobs, spanning from multiple heartbeats apart to barely a moment to breath.

'Help me........,' the young girl almost inaudibly begged the air, 'please.'

Tears streaked her cheeks, creating crevices in the layers of dirt coating them.

How long have I been here?

Hunger gnawed at her stomach, it's painful claws squeezing her insides, as if answering her question. She groaned as the sensation of her stomach consuming itself graced her body, and she wrapped herself in a blanket of her own arms.

I want to leave.

The eerie creaking of an ancient metal barricade sliced through the once undisturbed air, and she scrambled at the sudden sound, muscles tense in preparation for any random attacks. Footsteps being half-dragged across the filthy floor also sounded the quiet, the noise bouncing off the walls and got more intense as they approached.

'Hello, ape,' a raspy voice greeted, dripping with venom, 'I see you are awake. Now, come with me,' the mysterious voice commanded, possessed by a figure dressed in shadows. Frightened, Rory rose, quiet off-balanced, and limped after the stranger, her over-active imagination forming horrible scenarios in her mind.

*****time jump*****

The metal restraints around her trembling wrists were cold and persistently sharp, and Rory could already feel warm, sickly blood dripping down from the few spots they had sliced her pale skin. There were identical ones wrapping her weak legs as well, painting with red and adding more stripes on her ankles to match her wrists.

She was suspended in mid-air, chains running diagonally from her steel cuffs to attachments on the floor, and a twin pair on the ceiling. With her limbs forcibly stretched into the shape of a star, the young girl shivered under the enormous amount of vulnerability she felt.

The room was almost engulfed in the type of darkness that leaves you feeling empty, except for an artificial blue light emanating from an unknown source.

It was just sort of, existing.

Rory's eyes were set on the figure, practically invisible in the lack of light, letting the shadows swallow him whole. Despite the fact she was incapable of distinguishing his face, she could feel his eyes staring daggers into her, and in defence, she glared back, praying for a brief second looks could kill.

Because if they could, her captor would be dead ten times over.

But so would you.

'I am going to ask once more, ape,' the mystery stranger spat, 'where is The Doctor?'

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