2. Darkness

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There was darkness, so much darkness. I remember collapsing. All I could feel was the splintering pain radiating in my sides in large waves that made my breathing labored. The pain was paralyzing.

I was incoherent. All I could remember were snapshots, glimpses of the beautiful angel that stared down at me from the barrel of a gun. The stench of gunpowder assaulting my nostrils.

I managed the strength to open my eyelids for a moment and look deep into her beautiful eyes, begging, pleading, hoping she would rethink pulling the trigger. Imploring her to see the human within the beast I was cloaked in.

Then I closed my eyes.




Suddenly the image of the girl was bright and fresh in my mind. I remember that the girl was tall, had curves, and a strong, athletic figure that was beneath her hunting attire of jeans and a long sleeved athletic shirt. Her pale cream skin tone had made her alluring, eyes stand out. They were the same vibrant green hues of the beautiful meadow we were in. I noticed around the irises there were flecks of gold that matched the rays of the setting sun. The girl with her dark caramel brown hair shoved under a pale red baseball cap. Her hair was tousled and had loose curls, it framed her elegant face and cascaded down past her shoulders. A few strands waved in a faint breeze which brought her scent to my nose.

Her scent of salt, smoke, leather, and sweat permeated as the vision faded and I was left with only her smell and darkness. It was a comforting smell and eased my mind away from the pulses of pain assaulting my body.

I managed to slide my eyes open a fraction to see the girl leaning over me and her elegant oval shaped face had a deep red warm blush that was fused on her freckled cheeks. Her eyebrows were scrunched in confusion. A small frown shaped her plump, mauve lips. There was clearly an internal war she was fighting. She was dangerously beautiful and now held my life in her hands. Somewhere in the recesses of my foggy mind I recognized her and a name floated into my mind like a drifting leaf on a breeze.

Remille. The girl I had pissed off severely five years ago. My life was now in her hands.

Darkness enveloped me once again as my eyes slid shut once more. I was at her complete and utter mercy, this angel of death.

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- deer66

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