Chapter 2: Need Someone

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Chapter 2: Need Someone

Prince wakes up to the sounds of his doorbell ringing. "Agh," Prince said as he got up from the floor. Prince grabs a bottle from the ground and starts drinking it as he makes his way to the door. Prince opened the door and sees Rad. "Boy wonder? What are you doing here?" Prince asked, looking at the Heeler while taking a drink. "You called me mate," Rad answered. "Right... I did, alright come in," Prince said leaving the door open for Rad. Rad comes into Prince's penthouse and follows the husky to the living room. Rad noticed all the alcohol bottles everywhere and now felt worried for the husky. "Maybe you should take it easy on the drinking mate," Rad said as he sat down on the couch. "What are you my mom?" Prince said sitting down in a chair drinking some more. "No, I'm just worried about you," Rad said looking at Prince. "You? The amazing boy wonder? Worried about me?" Prince said with a chuckle taking his last drink. "Prince, enough with the nickname mate we're adults now," Rad said strictly.

"Okay, okay," Prince said, putting down his bottle. "You called me about Emily, how are you handling it?" Rad asked. "Drinking, lots of drinking," Prince answered. "Prince mate you can't do this to yourself," Rad said leaning forward. "Oh, don't give me that Rad! You did the same thing after Charlie passed away!" Prince snap. "And I cleaned up quickly!" Rad shot back. "Maybe this was a mistake having you here," Prince said, second guessing himself. "No mate! You need someone here with you! You need to clean yourself up! Emily would want that!" Rad shouted. "Damn it Rad!" Prince said breaking down. Rad was hoping he could get through to the husky and maybe he finally did it. Rad then stood up and walked over to Prince. "Prince?" Rad said softly. Rad then placed his hand on Prince's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Prince shouted while trying to hit Rad but couldn't. Rad couldn't help himself; he just hugged him letting him try to fight his way out. "Emily wouldn't want this mate, just please stop the drinking," Rad said hugging the husky. Prince then stopped fighting and cried. "I miss my sister, man! It should have been me!" Prince shouted while crying into Rads fur. "Mate you don't mean that," Rad said holding the husky. "I rather have her here than me!" Prince shouted. "Prince!" Rad shouted, grabbing him by his shoulders. "Don't you dare say that! You have family in this world that loves you mate!" Rad shouted. "I'm not a good person Rad... I never have been..." Prince said looking away from Rad. "Mate, we all make mistakes..." Rad started to say but Prince cuts him off. "Rad! Listen to me! I'm not a good person! What I did to you, Bandit and to my nephew it's Unacceptable," Prince said looking up at Rad.

"We can work on you together mate," Rad said with a smile. "Why would you want to help me? I nearly wanted to kill you for loving my sister," Prince said looking down. "Hey... I forgave you a long time ago," Rad said, kneeling down to look at Prince. "Well, you shouldn't," Prince said looking at Rad. "Prince mate, when I was Emily nothing was going to stop me from loving her, not even you," Rad explained. "Did you really feel that way?" Prince asked. "Of course, I loved her so much and not just because she was having my son," Rad said with a smile. "It hurts... because every guy that she tried to have a relationship with I tortured them," Prince confessed. "And it wasn't fair to you or to Bandit," Prince said now calming down. "Hey, you were just protecting your sister, I would protect my brothers the same way," Rad said with a smile.

"I'll be right back," Prince said standing up quickly and running to the bathroom. Prince then threw up getting out his alcohol. "Do you see mate? You can't keep doing this to yourself," Rad said standing by the door. "Just let me die man who needs me anyways," Prince said before throwing up again. "Hey! What did I say mate! You have family that loves you!" Rad said getting angry. "They don't need me," Prince said keeping his head on the toilet. "Hey! Thomas needs you!" Rad shouted. "He's better off without me," Prince confessed. "No!" Rad shouted pulling Prince out of the toilet and making Prince look at him. "You listen here Prince! That kid needs all the family he needs and your apart of that family!" Rad said now angry. "He's got you," Prince said weakly. "Yeah, he has me! He has his dad! He has his sisters, he has Chilli and my younger brother, and my parents, and your parents, but he needs you too!" Rad shouted. Prince then threw up in the toilet again and started shaking. "I'm so cold Rad," Prince said weakly. "You going into shock, I'm taking you to the hospital," Rad said helping Prince.

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