Incorrect Quote 20?

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Potential WEIRD romance stuff here!! Also, Damien's 17 (100+ mentally), while the siren(s) is/are 18...!*

Siren: *She pins Damien to the wall (Yes, I suppose sirens are able to stand up now, or something...!)*

Damien: ...

Siren: Aww, what's the matter? Cat got your tongue? 

Damien: ...

Siren: Here, let me help with that! 

Siren: *She cups Damien's face into her hands and leans quite close to his face...*

Siren: *She sharpens her claws and digs them deep into Damien's skin and flesh until there was nothing but blood, bones, and brain matter all over her hands*

Siren: *She then slurps up all that blood and brain matter as Damien's decapitated body topples to the ground* See ~ ? I TOLD you I'd help get that cat off your tongue ~ ! *She licks the blood and brain matter off her fingers*

(I don't know; I just got this idea in my head after seeing some DDLC Yuri mod, but that mod was weird, so I changed it up a bit for Damien and that siren...!)

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