• I •

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And send!

I sent in my application for Volcorona Academy. It's the world's greatest Pokémon academy, with people from all around! My friends Leaf and Serena are coming from other regions. We met online a few years back, and have seen each other on occasion. I'm rambling again, aren't I?

I wish I could talk with as much confidence as I think with.. I've been a Pokémon Coordinator for about a year now, but it's been tough. My partner Piplup has been making the judges drop dead, but sometimes there's other Pokémon that are 'cuter' or 'more talented'. I think they're just jealous of Piplup.

Anyway, I've been dreaming of the day I join the academy. You learn all about Pokémon, and meet such great people! Don't even get me started about the look of the place. It's beautiful! The shining sun reflecting off of the smooth marble tiles, the stained glass forming to make beautiful designs, it's great!

And then there's the non-pokémon related stuff. Even there, they're the best you can find! I hear the school was formed by the best minds of every region. There's even trips to those regions, and if you're lucky, you can get to go to every one in just one year!

Leaf is obsessed with all of the advanced studies, and Serena just wants to flirt with all the guys there. They're interesting... I don't really know what I want, but I'm sure it'll come to me. I guess what I really want, is-


My pokétch beeps loudly from the table. It's from Volcorona Academy. That was fast! It's as if I'm in a book and the plot needs to move forward.

'Dear Dawn, we are pleased to welcome you to the academy!'

There were a few other paragraphs and stuff, but that's all I needed to read. I did it!

Shining Diamonds • Dawn × Lucas • PokémonWhere stories live. Discover now