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My sister burst into my room just as I had got comfortable on my bed and looked at my tv

''Alice your seriously watching heartstopper again?'' She said looking at me trying not to laugh

''Yes season 2 just came out and I've been waiting months so if you'll excuse me please leave so I can continue''

She shook her head at me ''ok well I was just coming to tell you that we're going to London tomorrow''

I immediately looked at her ''what? Are you serious?''

She nodded ''yep. We're leaving at 12:30''

''But I haven't had time to pack or anything how am I gonna do it all in time?'' I panicked as I got up from my bed

''Well you better get a move on then. Bye'' she said walking back downstairs

I sighed and shook my head and then it hit me.

Kit spends a lot of time in London. What If I see him there?

I quickly called myself stupid for even having that thought in my head and started packing. I guess heartstoppers gonna have to wait for abit.

-a time skip to a few hours later-

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liked by : alicejane, joelocke and 10,556 others

Kit.Connor : Jet lagged, overworked and tired

Comments :

Alicejane : how do you look so good even rundown????
Joelocke : ❤️ love you mate

Kitsangel : hope your okay ❤️

Heartstopper : your a trooper 🫶🏻

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I screamed and shot up from my bed putting my hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet as it was late.

''What happened? You alright?!'' My sister shouted from the room next door.

''Kit Connor just liked my comment on instagram! Holy shit'' I stared at my phone in disbelief.

''Ooooo someone's gonna get herself a boyfriend!'' My sister taunted from next door

''Oh shut up he only liked my comment it's not as if he's gonna start talking to me or anything''

I put my phone down on the side and laid back down in my bed.

Wow. I'm going to London tomorrow and kit Connor just liked my comment? Life really is perfect for me at the moment

I snuggled my pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face thinking about all the amazing things we're gonna do in London.

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