chapter eleven

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As the days went on, Scout found it very difficult not to interact with the inhaler boys and her new found friendship group. This made it difficult for her to find time to visit her girlfriend or be present enough during their time together. Bethan took offence to this as she felt as though her time was being wasted, struggling to gain her lover's attention had her feeling insecure and abandoned.

Bethan was currently staring into the side of Scout's head, attempting to redirect her attention from her phone screen to the conversation they desperately needed to have.

"are you gonna talk to me today or was me coming here a mistake?", the blonde started.

Scout looked up, "what do you mean?"

"what i mean is that these past few days all i've heard you speak about is inhaler this, josh that, i mean god it's getting exhausting" she continued, "i can't even spend time with my girlfriend without her bringing up other people that she's ditched me for!"

"i haven't ditched you for anyone. am i not allowed to be excited to make new friends and make plans to see them again, all i do is spend time with your friends or my sister's friends, it's nice to finally have some friends of my own for fuck sake! especially ones i don't have to share with other people, it's so clear your friends want to spend time with just you! they literally turn their backs towards me when i'm in the room, it makes me feel so shitty!" scout explained.

"then why have you never told me before? using this as an excuse for your behaviour isn't right and it certainly doesn't get you out of taking responsibility for your own actions!" bethan exclaimed.

"i'm not using it as an excuse i'm using it as an example! and i didn't ever bring it up because i didn't want you to be made to feel guilty about something that isn't your fault, so instead i used to tell maeve about it and rant to her."

"god no wonder i thought maeve hated me for so long, it's because you've been feeding her bullshit all this time to make her dislike me!" bethan stated, "our communication is so strained because you don't even talk that's your fucking problem, i'm left in the dark and here you are slagging me off to your only friends!"

"am i not allowed to rant? here i am looking out for your feelings and all i'm getting back is grief! i won't look out for you anymore if that's what you're wanting i'll just call you a bitch and watch you blow up and cry at me for being rightfully pissed at you!"

The girls continued to argue back and forth for sometime, tensions rising and anger flaring it's no surprise the relationship would become strained, but what next left the blonde's mouth had scout startled...

"i'm so glad abbie encouraged me to go kiss that guy! being single seems like a much better option than being here right now!"

"what", scout questioned.

"i didn't say anything", bethan breathed out.

"yes you did, now you're gonna explain what the fuck you meant by that right now."

"i don't have to explain everything"

"i think you fucking do when you just admit to your girlfriend that you fucking cheated on her! making me feel guilty for speaking to my friends yet you're the one actually cheating! god you're a fucking joke, you know that right?" scout roared, her voice thick with a croak.

"it was a drunken fucking kiss, but it's currently making me feel so much more positive than you have been the past week, he gave me more attention, something you clearly don't have the energy to give!"

"stop trying to fucking excuse yourself, talking to me about how i don't pay you enough attention so you seek it out somewhere else, i mean for christ sake i though you were fucking loyal and dating to marry? i would not want to date let alone marry someone who's trying to justify cheating by blaming other people! if you cared that much you would've just broken up with me then and there, not cheat behind my back and expect me not to find out!" scout shouted, "and another fucking thing, tell abbie that i hope she's fucking proud of herself for ruining a relationship just for her own entertainment, she played you like a fucking puppet just to create some drama since her life is so boring that she had to meddle with other peoples!"

"i'm sorry look, i didn't mean-"

"i don't care what you meant to do! we are over for good! don't come back here, don't text me, don't do fuck all other than leave me the hell alone!" scout finished.

Bethan looked up at her with glossy eyes, she knew what she had done was wrong but had to much pride to not argue back. Her former girlfriend stood firmly, breathing out fast breaths and looking drained from the angry exchange. Bethan turned around and grabbed her pile of clothes from 'her drawer' within scout's wardrobe, dragging her feet along the corridor towards the front door. She turned around one last time and silently pleaded with her eyes for scout to understand where she was coming from. Scout looked at her blankly and walked over to the door, opening it for her and signalling for the blonde to leave.

A click of the door confirmed that she had left, and suddenly scout dropped to the floor in tears, her back sliding down the door harshly. She cupped her hands around her phone and began searching her contacts. Blindly choosing a number and dialling it, the usual tone sung out into the apartment and quietly a click was heard, and shuffling began to blare through the speakers of the device.


"hey josh it's me, can we talk for a second?"

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