chapter sixteen

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come to mine now, we need to talk xx

After getting the seemingly urgent text from her sister, Scout arose from her sofa. She gathered her phone and keys, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge as she passed and left her house.

The drive to Charlotte's house was quiet, leaving Scout's mind to wonder about what was to be discussed.

Charlotte and her had always been close but her urgent text was unusual for the pair and it left a weird feeling in Scout's stomach. The long driveway leading up to her sister's house was painfully quiet, full of apprehensiveness and worry.

Charlotte opened the door of her house, waiting for her younger sister to make her way up the steps at the entrance. Smiling softly, the sisters embraced and entered the house together, walking towards the living room and sitting down on the long sofa.

"well i mean you know i'm nosey scout but what the fuck happened with you and bethan? she was sat crying on my sofa last night because of you" charlotte questioned

"because of me?" scout exclaimed, "are you fucking serious charlotte! the girl cheated on me and she's sat on my own sisters sofa making herself out to be the victim!"

"woah woah im not accusing you of anything i'm asking what happened. don't start shouting at me just cause you're angry here"

"i'm surprised she hasn't told you, i mean god coming to your house and crying in the middle of the night over something she did is fucking crazy"

"she said she made a mistake, that she was pressured by abbie and now you're angry with her and not answering any calls from her"

"i have every reason not to, i mean as she said she made a mistake now she has to pay the price"

"right and how are you doing now? i'm assuming not very well if you're having an outburst like this"

"i'm obviously not fucking fine, i'm so hurt like i put all effort into the relationship, giving her time to heal from her ex and being patient with her, just for her to through it all away cause abbie said something to her! which is another fucking thing why is abbie getting involved with our relationship? she didn't have a problem before."

"mate i don't know what's gotten into abbie recently, her relationship falls apart and suddenly all her friends need to be single with her? it's fucking odd. i'll definitely speak to her for you though"

The pair hugged and any tension in the air had vanished, the girls were back to their usual selves laughing at whatever charlotte had put on the tv.

Scout felt at peace, troubling emotions leaving her mind for the afternoon which calmed her, allowing for her to reconnect with her family and spend quality time with her niece.

Everything started to fall into place and she wondered, should she start a new venture to fill the hole that Bethan had left in her life...

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