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The timeline I used in this story is 2012-2022 as Do-jin served as a firefighter for 10 years. Counting down the memories of him learning about grieving that started to be just part of his work, till became part of his life.

A content warnings, this is a fanfiction written by a fan of the SBS original series "The First Responders", since the genre revolves around the procedural (genre that exhibits workplace and work procedures) genre of first responders... police & firefigthers. Expect some terms and contents that tackles around crime and a bit of emergency medical biology. Though writer-nim if this story is still not expert an expert to this genre, yet.

My knowledge is influenced by years and half of watching "911", a western series with the same genre.

I will try my best to deliver the stories in the honor of Firefighter Bong Do-jin's adventures.

Thank you and have fun reading.

ㅡ 지연

Learning Curve to Grieving (The First Respnders' Bong Do-jin Narrative)Where stories live. Discover now