Chapter 3: Mad through this madness

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The job requires perfection, but it doesn't expects you to be. But some people don't understand it, and just want to blame everyone and everything to their lost. They cannot accept it, because it shouldn't have happened.

It was supposed to be just great night, first time from a long time ago, a carnival opened right up on the area of Taewon.

But when there are rides, firefighters are expected to standby.

Of course you wish nothing will happen, but life is too uncanny for you to be assured by that. As I learned being here, 3 years in the job.

And I am just so right.

Please don't tell chief that, again.

The bell rings,

"Taewon Fire Station, Ladder Heights Rescue, a rollercoaster ride in the Fun Fair Carnival abruptedly stopped, One pair lose safety locks, One casualty already reported."

The alarm already gave us a heads up to be ready for what should we expect, but why do I feel like there will be something worse gonna go on.

I know I should be optimistic at the job, but sometimes there is a part of me that it is better expect things earlier before it flashes through my eyes.

As we arrive on the location Chief's commands ladder rescue, and I volunteered to go up immediately.

I don't know,

Even if I have mix feelings about this. I still need to face my fear, and learn  rather run.

This is the job right?

I went up on the rollercoaster to rescue a man.

"Sir, how are we doing up there?" I asked.

"Scared," he replied.

"Hey, how was my friend, Ji-seok?" he asked.

"Chief, he's asking for his friend." I called in the radio.

I looked down, and discovered that his friend was the first casualty reported.

But Chief called it, and not hide his body with white cloth yet, so the people above would not be scared of what really happened to him.

We know it is bad to lie, but sometimes we have to. The more they feel scared, the more they panic, the more they will be in danger.

"Your friend is on better care with them, for now let's focus on saving you first."

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Do-jin, Ahn Do-jin..." I was surprise by his answer.

We have the same name.

"That's good, see we have the same name. I'm Bong Do-jin, and I am here to help you." I said as I am adjusting my safety gears, and the belt to secure him.

"Now, I need you to trust me, grab my hand and I will secure you with this thing."

"I can't..."

"Why's that..?"

"I am not as brave as you. We might be sharing the same name, but I am a coward. I am scared. I should have not went out at all."

"I believe that we could still share the same bravery, I am here to help you throughout, I just need you to trust me."

"No, I can't... I should have not went here. My friend won't be hurt, if I didn't drag him out to be here. I don't deserve to live, I only cause problems."

"Hey, hey, hey, Dojin-a, Ahn Do-jin, just look me in the eye okay? I believe that you can do it. Just grab my hands!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't... Please tell them, it will be better this way." then he let go of his only hand that was holding him up.

Learning Curve to Grieving (The First Respnders' Bong Do-jin Narrative)Where stories live. Discover now