Mohito - A Dark Angel

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It was the Tournament of Power. The competition in which all of the eight universes besides the winner would be erased, they would cease to exist. Quadrillions of life forms would vanish at a moments notice, leaving none but that universes Angel. Many Angels felt lost, like they had lost their purpose. For millions of years they had served a God of Destruction and travelled throughout space amd all sorts of dimensions. But their God of Destruction was gone. Their entire purpose as a race wasn't there anymore, and they were distressed.

But not one Angel. Mohito, the Angel of Universe 9, simply smiled. At the erasure of most of everything he's ever known, he felt joy. Happiness. He felt relieved. He never shone the brightness. Daishinkan always beamed at Kusu, Whis, & Vados, his most powerful children. And he felt forced to submit to Sidra, his God of Destruction. Sidra could make Mohito do whatever he pleased. Mohito wanted a higher status, he wanted control, he wanted power.

When that mortal from Universe 7, Android 17, wished for all the universes to come back, his siblings were overjoyed. But his reaction was different. For all the relief he had felt for a few hours, it was gone. Replaced with anger. Directed towards his father. He had put him in this shitty position with this universe and God of Destruction. His universe had the lowest mortal rating for Zeno's sake! It was a wasteland. Mohito wanted revenge. He was going to attempt to kill the Grand Priest.


Mohito stood on Sidra's planet while the God of Destruction was sleeping, rolling his eyes at the god's incompetence. The Angel had a plan on how to kill a immortal. All energy and Ki attacks were powered by the life energy in the multiverse, that has been there since creation. Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego are just techniques to harness and manipulate it. The Omni King sits at the top of the hierarchy because he is the perfect vessel for the energy, created by it in fact. So Mohito had an idea, that being to create a weapon out of that life energy, able to kill immortal beings.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, tapping into the energy that gives him power. He focused on the thought of a long blade and shaped it with his hands. He opened his eyes and a pure black sword was in his hands. He took a few practice swings and knew that this sword was the one. "This is going to work." he softly said out loud, an evil smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Mohito teleported to the Omni Palace, suppressing his Ki as much as he could. He appeared in the corner of the giant throne room, where he saw the two Zeno's playing tag with their attendants, where Daishinkan was watching the scene closest to him. Mohito walked up and hid behind a column, about fifty yards from the Grand Priest.

In one second, Mohito jumped out from behind the column and launched the blade at his father's back. It was about halfway to his back when Future Zeno pointed to Mohito and screamed "Watch out!" Daishinkan quickly turned around and batted it away with a swing of his staff, glaring at his son.

Mohito screamed in rage. "Why did you stick me in this horrible dump of a universe?!" he yelled, jumping and throwing a punch at Daishinkan. The Grand Priest simply swiveled to his right with his Ultra Instinct and uppercut his son in the stomach, knocking him back. "My God of Destruction is a lazy slob!" he shouted before running back and attempting a side-kick at his chest.

Daishinkan grabbed his foot and threw him into the ground, cracking the quartz floor. Mohito attempted to get up but Daishinkan put his foot on his chest, holding him down. "I am sorry that I didn't place you in the easiest job, but you could have just simply asked me to do something, even for a Supreme Kai replacement. Not attack me in the palace of the Omni King." he explained, looking down at Mohito.

But in a moment, Mohito teleported and Daishinkan lost his balance for a moment while Mohito teleported behind him, striking him in the back. But Daishinkan didn't fall down and ducked Mohito's follow-up attack, allowing for him to get a good shot at his son's ribs. Daishinkan striked him again in the neck, causing him to fall down. "You have committed treason against the gods. For that, you must be erased." the Grand Priest said as he emitted a blue ray of energy towards his son, vaporizing his body as it hit.

When Grand Priest stood back, there was nothing left. "Thank you, my lord." he said to Future Zeno. "Without you calling out, I would have been dead. That blade he crafted, it kills immortals." He picked up the blade as he said it, inspecting it. We should keep this in the vault. It will help us for incidents like we had with Zamasu, if your highness isn't available." He handed it to one of Zeno's assistants, who nodded and hurried over to a room next to both Zeno's thrones.

"It's time to give my son a second chance." Daishinkan said as he vanished in a bright blue light, reappearing in the Galactic Patrol Headquarters. He looked outside the window and saw the black void of space, planets far off in the distance. He walked through many hallways and corridors until he came across a room where many soldiers were sitting and eating lunch. "Merus!" he shouted, causing the former Angel to swerve his head and look at him.

Merus walked up to Daishinkan. "Hello, father. What have you came for?" the patrolman asked. Daishinkan smiled at the sight of his son.

"Mohito turned corrupt and attacked me. I faded him from existence and I need a new Angel to guide Sidra throughout Universe 9. I would like to give you a second chance. I can help observe and give you advice as well as Universe 9mhad the lowest mortal rating and it will be a challenge. But I believe in you son. Do you want to join the Angels once again, Merus?" Daishinkan asked, causing Merus to look around the room before answering.

"I appreciate your offer, father, but I truly like it here. I would rather stay here and battle against evil with my friends than be a Angel, if that's okay." Merus responded.

"That's okay, my son. I understand. But at least meet your new sister." Daishinkan said before concentrating a beam of blue energy into the ground before him. A body started forming from the legs up and after about thirty seconds, a female Angel was formed. "I name you, Alchola, Angel of Universe 9."

A Dark Angel - MohitoWhere stories live. Discover now