Chapter 3 - Meeting the musketeers

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I stare at the note on the desk of my room while the events of the night swirl in my head. When people eventually noticed something was wrong it was too late, the musketeer was dead. I hid the note in my jacket and answered as many questions as I could. When they finally understood I told the truth, the innkeeper gave me a room to rest. 

I haven't opened it yet and honestly, I'm dying to see what's inside but it sure isn't mine to open. That elf was a musketeer, an elite soldier. I am not yet a cadet. But I know someone who could open it. With that in mind, I allow myself to rest.

When I arrive at the gate of Grassland, at around noon, I can't believe what I see. All kinds of creatures rush in and out, turning the entrance into a big beehive. I'm in awe of all the diversity united in a single place. Elves of all sorts and backgrounds and animals I've only dreamed of roam around every corner of what seems to be the market place. Merchants scream out the virtues of their products to sell, courtiers stop at every shop to try everything that's on display, children play and dance around. And among them, musketeers blend perfectly.

I get off Dart and let him fly off outside. No mounts seem to be allowed beyond the gate. I'll have to continue on foot.

I pull out the letter I received weeks ago to read it for the hundredth time, looking for the place to meet the other recruits. The second one sticks to it, reminding me also to look for my father to hand it.

"Watch out, boy!" Too late, both the elf I bumped into and I fall into a fruit table on display.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking."

"That I saw!", growls the elf angrily, straightening his uniform correctly. Great...

"You're a musketeer, aren't you?" I ask, dusting myself.

"What gave it away?"

"Well..." I'm about to answer when I notice his frowning look. It was sarcasm. "I'm on my way to the recruit section. Could you indicate me the way?"

"First time here?" I nod. "Well, boy...First you'll learn that everything has a price."


"Meet me at two in the Meadow. Don't be late, I hate that." And without waiting for my answer, he disappears in the crowd. I freeze a minute, flabbergasted. Usually I'm the one looking for a fight to right a wrong.

I continue my walk to the palace where I hope to find more useful clues for my next move. Merchants, beggars, artists, everybody here do their best to make people stop and waste their time and money. I have to push my way through to finally reach the palace's grounds. Groups of recruits - recognisable thanks to their swords and hats - are already lining up to meet the Captain of the musketeers, Mr Hawthorn. I take a place in the line, looking all around to find the familiar face of my father. He wrote in his last letter that he was training his company here, in the capital.

The face I find as I turn around is most definitely familiar. Long raven hair, golden eyes, a red cape with black dots on her shoulders, the lady from the inn is making her way to a table to smell flowers. Or so I think. The image of the dying musketeer and the stained letter with the ladybird seal comes in my mind. I have to know who she is and if she has anything to do with this mysterious death.

I'll have to come back later to register, I won't rest until I find who murdered the King's soldier. Keeping an eye on the lady elf, I make my way to her.

"Where do you think you're going, lad?", a voice shouts in my back. What now?

"Are you talking to me, Sir?"

"Yes, I am. Do you not know that whatever you take, you buy?" I look at the tall tree elf in front of me, confused. He nods his head towards my satchel where a scarf is hanging.

"I'm...I didn't take that", I stutter, handing him the object of dispute.

"I'm not the one you should give it back. But since I am the one who caught you, I'll be the one to give you a lesson, boy. Meet me..."

"In the Meadow, three o'clock. Sorry, I'm in a hurry", I cut him off, running before I lose my target.

In the blink of an eye, she's already nowhere to be seen. I can't believe it! She was so close and what I got is a second meeting to fight for my rights. I shoot a stone angrily with my boot.    

"Ouch!" I lift my eyes from the ground and see a hooded elf rubbing the back of his head. When he turns, I notice a sword hanging by his left leg.

"Meadow, four o'clock!", I shout before taking off. The bell just rang one thirty and I don't know where the Meadow is. 

I run as fast as I can, angry at myself. How is it possible that in just an hour I got myself into three duels? If the Captain hears about this - or worse, my father - I can kiss my spot in the company good-bye. All because of a she-elf I don't know - who probably murdered an elf I don't know either - and my pathological sense of honour and need to know the truth.     

When I arrive in the Meadow, it's almost two. My first challenger is already here, talking with two other people. They all turn their gaze toward me as soon as they hear me. I recognise them immediately.

"You're the man who accused me of theft!", I shout, pointing at the tall tree elf. "And're...a she-elf?!" I add, confused when the third person takes her hood off to reveal a feminine silhouette ready to kill me with her eyes.

Let the games begin!

The Tree Misketeersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें