Chapter 4 - Conspiracy

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"Is that all you've got, sapling?", she says, throwing her hands in the air. My mouth opens and then closes as I'm out of words. 

"You're late, cadet!", says the elf I was supposed to meet.

"Well... I've had a couple of incidents on the way", I spit, moving my eyes from one to the other challengers. "But I'm here now and ready to fight for my honour!" 

I take my sword out of its scabbard and place myself on guard, ready. The three elves exchange a look before laughing out loud. Anger pulses in my veins. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Are you sure you want to fight with...this?" That's the taller elf asking. 

I don't have the time to answer. We are interrupted by ant riders crossing the meadow at full speed. The first rider stops when he spots us and raises his hand in the air to stop the others. I look at my companions to see their reactions. All three of them are focused on the new comers, suddenly serious.

"Well, well...What do we have here? The famous Tree Musketeers", says the head rider with a chuckle. The black ant snorts and hits the ground with its front leg, clearly nervous. The rider doesn't notice and continue his speech. "Do you have any news of your beloved queen? Is she finally in good terms with the king? would you know, you're not in their personal guard anymore." 

"What do you want, Stone?", asks my first opponent. 

"You were getting ready for a fight, weren't you? How about you four against my men?" A smile spreads on my face as the man's soldiers get off their mounts. As if it was rehearsed, all four of us form a circle, our swords brought into light. 

"All for one and one for all", shout the three musketeers before engaging the fight. 

Each one of us is surrounded by three or four elves, all very well trained in swordsmanship. I used to brag about my agility and it appears I was right! They may have the moves and technique but they cruelly lack two things: a reason to fight and well...grace. 

After a short time, they're all lying on the floor, injured more or less badly. The three musketeers and I regroup in a circle, out of breath. Stone looks at us with fury in his eyes. 

"You might have been lucky today, Musketeers, but the war has just begun." He calls out his men and runs off, disappearing in the shadows of the trees.

" about a pint? My treat!", shouts the first elf I met.

"What do you say, boy?"

"My name's Leaf Oaklin."

"Alright, Leaf Oaklin! I'm Ash Riverbank, this is Bran Pine and the fierce lady here is Ivy Willows. Happy? Let's go!" 

Two months later       

Two months being a cadet and I'm already called for an interview with Her Majesty. Things have been tensed around here since I arrived. Among the whirlwind of political tensions, the Prime Fairy is planning something big but nobody, not even the musketeers, know what it's going to be. And to add to the gossip, the Queen and King's relationship isn't as good as they pretend it to be. 

I cross the long, luxurious hallway leading to the Queen's quarters with one thought in mind: what does she need from me? 

I straighten my uniform as I approach the door and knock twice, as she ordered me. A valet opens, revealing a room as big as my parents' tree house.  

"Your Majesty, cadet Oaklin has arrived." 

Without a word, the Queen - a majestic white butterfly elf - appears in front of me, followed by two lady elves in waiting. 

"I've heard a lot of things about you, cadet Oaklin. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"The pleasure's mine, Your Majesty", I say, bowing respectfully. 

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here? I have been robbed."

"Robbed, Your Majesty? I-I'm sorry but isn't this a job for the royal guard or even the musketeers?"

"I can't let them know, they'd tell the King and that's the last thing I want. But you, you are not officially a musketeer yet so you can come and go as you wish without being interrogated. Do you understand, cadet, how important this mission is?"

"I think I do, Your Majesty. If I may ask, what has been stolen from you that you fear so much about the King's reaction?"

"My personal seal. A ring with a swan engraved. This is terrible! Without it, I won't be able to seal a peace treaty tomorrow with the King and representatives of our neighbour lands. I can't tell him I lost it because he'll think I don't care about the kingdom and who knows what missives could be sealed with it. I could declare war without even knowing it!" The Queen starts to cry as the last words leave her tongue. 

It's obvious someone is trying to frame her. She's right, the person who stole the seal is a serious threat to our nation. And someone has to find it and bring it back to its rightful owner. Well I guess that someone is me.

"I'll do my very best to find it and bring it back to you, Your Majesty", I bow.

"If you do so, cadet, I'll make sure you receive everything you could wish for."

"Saving my Queen's honour is enough."

"Then hurry, you have until sundown tomorrow to bring it. A ball is set tomorrow eve to welcome the representatives and the treaty is to be signed before midnight."

"Do you have an idea of who could be behind this theft?"

"I can't tell you anything but I can write down a name. that's the only lead I have."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You'll have your seal by tomorrow. It's a promise." 

Without another word, she hands me a note with, hopefully, the name of a lead, and I leave the palace in a hurry. This is going to be a very long day...

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