Chapter 2: Encounters

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On the outskirts of the Empire, Pethos, Sora, Galdores and Destorian rode their horses towards the borders, ready to where they would depart. The group stopped at the Battanian borders, standing just across and ready to depart. Meanwhile in the back, Sora rode beside Galdores.

I've always wanted to visit Aserai, with it's vast deserts and savage tribes. Have you ever been to Aserai, Galdores.

Only once, but I just visited the capital, Sanala, I haven't had the chance to see much of the deserts. However, I can't say I regret it, out there, if the heat doesn't get you, the tribes will.

As they passed through the borders, movement came from the trees. A group of men in black clothing stepped out, the leader, and with a scar on the right side of his head, marched up, drawing a ten inch dagger, with a golden handle and red gems embroidering the ends. The other drew short swords to the group.

Assassin Leader:
You, I know who you are. Your those little rats from the Empire.

The whole group dismounted their horses, and drew their sword's defensively. Galdores stepped forward, his old and grizzled scowl appearing yet again.

We want no trouble, just leave and we will pass.

Assassin Leader:
I don't think so. We're bein' paid a lot o' gold to bring you in. Get 'em, lads!

The two groups charge into battle, Destorian begins to duel with the leader, Galdores fights two at once, while Pethos and Sora each fight one back. Galdores knocks one assassin aside, and as the other tries to attack him, he runs him through, killing him. Pethos is being fought back, knocking his sword with his opponent's. Sora manages to kick her opponent to the ground, and thrust her sword down into the mercenary's chest. Destorian fights back the leader, and knocks him aside, though before he could go in for the kill, the assassin fighting Galdores attacks him from behind. As the leader once again tries to stab Destorian, Galdores grabs him and begins fighting him. Pethos locks swords with his opponent, though his sword is knocked from his hand and he is thrown to the ground. Destorian fights his opponent, and grabs his wrist before plunging his sword into the criminal's throat. Sora then comes and implies the leader from behind, which causes him to fall to the ground. The group looks and sees the assassin raising his sword to kill Pethos.


Before Pethos could be killed, an arrow comes from the trees and goes through the man's throat. The assassin then drops to the ground dead. They look up to see a group of Battanian men, the leader, a man with forest-green eyes and tussled brown hair, holds out a bow, signaling he shot the arrow.

're you all okay? Those thieves can caus' quite a mess!

We're fine.

Pethos then grabs his sword and stands back up as he slides it back into his sheath. Sora then picks up the leader's dagger and examines the fine blade closely.

Fancy dagger. I'll put it to much better use than that mercenary!

Sora then takes the sheath from the man's body and put it on her own belt, sliding the dagger into it.

What 're you all doin' out 'ere? I don't recall you Empire folk come'n out 'ere to Battania.

We are going to Marunath. We have something very important to discuss with your king.

The man seemed to become more relaxed, setting his bow back into it's quiver.

Funn' we be headin' there, just fin'ished a hunt in' trip! You're welcome to com' alon' if ye wan'.

They get ready to follow the  Battanian hunting party, before Pethos turns back to his sister and the older man.

I guess this is where we part ways.

Yeah, I'm going to miss you, little brother.

Pethos then goes up to his sister and the two embrace each other.

Promise you'll meet me back at Argoron?

I promise.

Galdores and Destorian get back onto their horse and watch the two hug.

Do you promise you'll look after her, old man?

Hey, I'm not that old! But yes, and you promise to look after the boy?

Of course I do.

Sora then gets onto her horse, and rides beside Galdores out of the forest. The two then kick the sides of their horses and take off with great speed. Pethos then gets onto his own horse, and rides beside Destorian. They follow the hunting party through the long forest, and see that there was an upcoming mountain to scale. The leader of the hunting party then looks to the two.

I realized we haven't introduced. I am Prince Cormac fen Gruffendoc, son of King Magnus fen Gruffendoc. And you are?

I am Prince Pethos Nebranos of the Calradian Empire, and this is my companion, Destorian.

Well, must be here for somethin' important then. Well tell me when we get there'.

They then arrive at the top of the mountain, and find the large wooden city of Marunath, capital of Battania. When they come up, a guard comes to them with a bow.

State your purpose.

I've arrived with the haul, and some visitors from the Empire.

The guard then gives a bow, and signals others to open the gate. The gate opens, and the group travels through the city. Pethos looks around, finding that Battania was nothing like the Empire. Everyone was dirtier and more savage, but he knew to get used to it. They arrived at the Castle, and give the horses to a man on the side. When entering, they enter the throne room, and find a man on the wooden throne, who could only be the sing. He had the same eyes and hair as his son, though his hair was shaved on the sides, and on top was quite long and tied into a ponytail. He had a thick brown beard covering his face, and a gold crown around his head. He wore a set of brown robes, and a bearskin cloak with a gold chain.

You have returne' my son, and who've you brought.

Prince Pethos of the Empire, father, he brings news to discuss.

Pethos then steps up to the king, who remains on his throne, a stern expression on his face.

One of the Empire's men came to, we believe that Balcodor is returning.

The king's face showed an expression that resembled fear, though returned to his stern face in a matter of seconds.

How do you know this.

One of our men found him in a temple, as well as a cult planning to bring him back.

We will discuss this more in due time. Guards, get our guest a room. Cormac, come with me.

Pethos then walks away and sees the king rise from his throne, Cormac following behind him. Pethos simply follows the Battanian guards away from the throne room and towards a room in the back of the castle. He could only think of how things would turn out.

To be continued

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