Chapter 1

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Haerin POV:
Home. 6:30 am.
(Beep beep beep!)

(Yawn~ Stretch) It's already the first day of the last year of high school. And it was time to get ready for school. I roll around and stretch a bit. Then I get up and head to the restroom to do my daily things. I was brushing my teeth when I got a text.

yeah yeah
I'm getting ready

Well I am and I have a feeling
This year is gonna be exciting.😃😎

For both of us.


Ok Minji 😎👍🏻

Minji and Hyein are my best friends. We've known each other since the middle school and have done everything together the past years.

I don't know why Minji was so excited for school but I think it's the same thing over and over again. But if it means doing things I like or being with people I love, then yeah, schools okay. I also do well in school and have straight A's (not to brag). So I'm doing well for now.

I'm now trying to decide what to wear. I didn't want to be too dressed. So a white oversized tee and baggy jeans. It was something casual and comfortable but still okay looking. It'll do.

Oh and here's what I look like:

Oh and here's what I look like:

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(Aren't I cute. I'm playinggg.)

By the time I was ready my mom was yelling at me to come eat breakfast. But when I saw the time I had to get out the house as quick as I can so I didn't miss the bus. I grab my backpack and rush down the stairs.

"Haerin your breakfast is getting cold, what wer-"

"Mom I'm late but thank you." I kiss my mom on the cheek and put on my shoes and rush out the door.



I run to the stop and see the bus is starting to leave and I start running faster and the bus driver noticed me and stopped. Thank goodness.

I'm so glad I like running. I was out of breath and quickly hopped on.

"Thank you sir." I thanked him, still out of breath.

"Your lucky I was just starting the bus. And that young lady had said something." He said pointing at her. I bowed to the bus driver apologizing and looked to where he's pointing. I see the girl. Time stopped around me. And our eyes had met.

She was so- beautiful.

She was staring at me with a concerned look. Her gaze was so strong. She had lovely eyes, long brown hair, pretty lips that looked sof- "Ma'am I need you to get to a seat, we're already running late." I get cut off from my thoughts and realized i had been staring at the girl and quickly get out of it. I quickly look around for a seat, embarrassed for my behaviors. But the bus was full. I see there aren't any rooms besides a seat by her. Ah, why did I have too do that. She probably thought I was a freak. Who stares like that. The bus driver was telling me to find a seat, so I quickly went over to her and sat down besides her.

I didn't want to seem rude without saying a thank you. And seem like a creep for just staring...

"Thank you." I say bowing. She gave me a smile. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Maybe because I didn't know her or she was just so pretty.

"Hi, my names Danielle Marsh. I noticed you outside the bus." Ahhhh, already so embarrassing. Damn it Haerin, in front of a pretty girl. I give her an awkward smile and explain. "Ahhh~ it's okay it happens." She says. Her voice was so sweet and full of energy.

"Oh my name is Kang Haerin by the way." I say because she had told me her name.

"That's such a pretty Name." She says, but it was not as pretty as her. Ah Kang Haerin what are you thinking. We sit in silence for a while. From the corner of my eyes I saw she was staring at me. And my face started heating up and my heart was beating faster. I COULDNT take it anymore so I stared back. Her face turned a little red and she quickly turned away. I smiled at the site and looked away too. We sat in silence again until Danielle broke it.

"Haerin may I ask which school your heading too?" She asked.

"Seoul High." When I said that her face lit up.
She gave me a big smile. Which was very pretty and cute.

"OH MY GOSH!" Everyone looked towards where we were sitting and Danielle apologized. Everything she does was cute. "That's where I'm going! But it's my first year. But I have a friend from Australia who will be going too." She says excitedly. She was like a small child excited about a new toy or something.
Her smile was contagious.

"Can I see what class your in." I ask in curiosity. She takes her paper out of her cute pink backpack. She hands me the paper and I scan through it.

Oh my, she was in my class. "Guess you and me will be in the same class this year." I say trying not to smile hard. I don't know why but I'm really happy.

" I feel like we were meant to be!" She says smiling widely. My face heats up. I was surprised at what she had said. What was that supposed to mean. I-I don't think she meant it like that, I'm just being weird about this whole situation. I quickly look at the floor so she doesn't see I'm blushing. But I'm really glad I met her. I have feelings. Feelings of having a crush. I have a feeling she's gonna be something new in my life.

I was cut off my thoughts because the bus was coming to a stop so we get up from our spots and grab our things. I get up and look at Danielle. She stared at me waiting for a response. Ah, those eyes.

"Danielle... will you walk with me?" I d-don't know why that just came out of my mouth. But I didn't want to lose her just yet. She looked at me and gave me another one of her smiles that made me weak.

We walked too the school gate together in silence. I look back to her and see her staring so I gave her a smile and got one back. It was nice to meet someone new once in a while. But Danielle really made me feel things and I just met her... I didn't want to lose this girl. Danielle Marsh.

(I hope you liked that. I'm a little slow at posting but I will WHEN I CAN! It was a short introduction to Haerin and her lil incident with Danielle❤️. PLS KEEP READING N LET ME KNOW UR THOUGHTS N OPINIONS!)

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