Chapter 6

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Danielle's POV:

After a long day of many things happening, it was time for us all to say our goodbyes.

I look towards Haerin who was already staring back at me. I give her my smile because all I could do was smile at the charming face. I also got one back in exchange, a soft one.

"Bye, Haerin." I say softly to the cat like girl. We all said our goodbyes for now. And all the girls went their own ways.

As I turn around to go my way, I felt a hand grab my wrist. Looking back in surprised, I see who it was.

"Danielle... Let me walk you home." It was Haerin.

This girl~ she was so clingy, but I'm really happy she is. I don't think I wanted to leave her either. Ah, what am I saying.

Staring back at her I realize I hadn't said anything yet. I look at her blankly because I wasn't sure on what to say.

Haerin tilted her head looking straight into my eyes, waiting for my response.

"Of course~ Besides, I don't like to walk alone." I couldn't say no, even if it meant it would make her late to go to her home. But she asked me first, and once I saw her face.

An even brighter smile then before that made me melt every time. But before I died from her cuteness. I singled her to come with me. And we went on our way.


As we walked, we told each other more about ourselves and shared laughs. She would always listening to every detail that came out of my mouth, with eyes full of curiosity.

And even if we had some silent moments it wasn't awkward. She made me feel comfortable, like I've always known her. I admired her even more now. We talked and talked all the way to my house.

"Well, here's my stop... Thank you." We had arrived to my small condo home.

We stopped for a bit, not ready to part. I don't know why I didn't really want to go inside.

I had been lost in my thoughts for a while now, and forgot she was still there, her eyes. They were shining.

They were also staring right into my eyes, which caught us both off guard when we realize our eyes had met. An instant shock goes to my body and now my whole face was red. Hers, unbothered.

"S-So, I'll see you tomorrow." I say trying to change the situation.

"I'll see you too." She says with a smile. "You should get inside, it's too cold." She says that while acting cold. She has never failed to make me smile.

She starts to walk away slowly. I knew I would see her tomorrow but I already missed that girl.

"See you Haerin! An-And don't be late!" She had been a little far by now but she still heard my voice and turned around, waveing with laughs.

"I'll try! Goodnight, Danielle!"


Haerin's POV:
I bid her goodbye and wave my last goodbye.

I don't know what it is about her, but I think I'm slowly catching feelings.

Ah, those are just small feelings. I don't want my feelings to ruin what we are becoming.

Friends. If being friends would be the only thing she wanted, then that's what I want. I don't want her to leave me.

Besides, I just like to admire her from afar. The thought of us...Ah, what am I thinking, I'm not good enough for her. I also... don't want to be heart broken again. Haha... anyone one could have thoughts, but it doesn't need to happen, right?

Well. I'll still see her from now on, so it's fine. As long as we're just friends...

it'll be fine.


(I'm sorry I haven't been updating this story, it's bc I've been working on my other. But that's no excuse to leave this one. So I'll try my best updating both. I also will try to make time but, school is another thing. Ty)

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