A King's Value

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There will be many more struggles along the way and they'll be stumbling like blind fools, but as long as his family is together they'll always find the light at the end of the dark tunnel


When King Agnarr of Arendelle returns back from the troll valley with his wife and sleeping daughter, he doesn't expect the relief of his younger daughter being safe to be so short lived.

Looking back, he can't remember the specifics, but he does remember demanding someone to explain the commotion going on in his castle, Kai telling him something, words coming out of his mouth so fast that the king struggles to keep up but one specific word, "Elsa" and Agnarr suddenly doesn't care and he's clumsily running towards the princess's bedroom, stumbling an embarrassingly high number of times for an ever steadfast king.

Sleep. That's all he wants after the tiresome events of the night. He is both physically and emotionally exhausted, but even then, he will willingly run all the way to the north mountain and back over seeing his oldest daughter, fragile and weak and shaking, crouched down on the floor across Gerda, any day.

Everything else goes into a blur and Agnarr's attention zeroes only to his daughter.

He is a king. Totally unused to feeling helpless, and he sure as hell wasn't ready to face deathly situations two times in a span of few hours. One unconscious daughter was enough, why does fate have to add the uninjured one into the mix too ?

He walks towards Elsa in just a few long strides and whatever kingly resolve he has mustered crumbles when she calls for him, choking over her sobs.

He kneels and cradles his daughter's small frame in his arms. He gently tilts Elsa's head and watches with horror as blood drips from her ears in tracks of thin veins.

For the first time, the king doesn't know what to do, and feels a blanket of helplessness descend over him.

Tears are stinging his eyes. He doesn't let them fall.

"You're gonna be fine, Elsa" He murmurs, though it was more for his own benefit than her, snuggling the princess's body closer to him.

"Call for the physician" He orders, his voice losing it's royal steadiness and rather filled with a father's desperation.

What is he supposed to do ? Will the trolls help ? No, Elsa is bleeding not stuck but magic, a physician will do. Isn't he the king ? Shouldn't he know how to handle situations like this ?

The truth is, as a king he knows exactly what to do, but as a father, his years of royal training to be calm and steady minded has gone down the drain and suddenly he's at loss.

He completely misses Iduna joining them beside him, but the next moment when Elsa's eyes slid shut and body goes limp, he is instantly hyperaware of everything as he goes cold, heart skipping a beat and he's shaking Elsa, calling for her, but she's not moving a muscle.

The next hours are like a blur, everything seems so distant. He doesn't remember when Iduna takes Elsa from his arms, doesn't remember when the royal physician comes and checks Elsa over.

He is still kneeled on the ground in shock.

"..... has ruptured her ear drums"

Wait. What ?

The king's instantly on his legs, and that's when he notices Iduna running her hand through Elsa's blond locks while her other hand was over her mouth, tears brimming her eyes.

"Wha-What ?" Agnarr fells like screaming cause everything about this situation is so wrong.

"There's ice in her ears, Majesty" the physician shakes his head, "Her powers have struck her in the ears and tore her ear drums."

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