I Can't Hear You

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The sound of wailing and suffering echoes through the room but she doesn't hear anything.


There are both dreams and nightmares. She watches the dreams with a fond feeling that leaves her nostalgic. One by one, they slit past her eyes like feathers under her nose, and she finds herself smiling every time a particularly loving memory with Anna is played. The smile fades, however, when she sees herself being started down by her father, her mother shielding Anna from her, and she feels her hands shackled.

Even in her dreams, she's dangerous.

Elsa can feel the tears start to form in her eyes, when she watches a nine inch long icicle protrudes from Anna's stomach. She's stuck her sister. Again.

No, she's killed her.

Elsa turns and meets her mother's eyes, she is looking at her with such detest that Elsa can almost feel her heart shattering.

She dares to look at her father. His face is neutral, devoid of any feelings. "Take that monster to the dungeon", he announces.

Elsa's heart drops to the earth's core. "I'm sorry, Papa", she hears herself plead. "I didn't mean it, I didn't mean to kill Anna"

"Take her to the dungeon, this instant", he repeats.

Elsa's vision turns blurry and she can no longer see over her tears.

Suddenly the scenery changes and she finds herself coddled in her mother's embrace.

She smiles.

"We love you Elsa" her mothers says with so much conviction, Elsa wants to believe her instantly.

If only she didn't know better.

"Do you think I'm a monster, Mama ?"

Iduna frowns, "Why would you think that, Elsa ? You're the kindest girl I've met"

Elsa feels her heartbeat picking up in excitement as her mother traces her nose with her pinky. She lets out a small giggle.

But then, suddenly a sense of despair falls over Elsa, "But I hurt Anna", she whispers.

"That was an accident, Elsa"

"What if she hates me ?", Elsa murmurs, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I love you, Elsa"

Elsa abruptly stands. She blinks in shock. She can swear it was Anna's voice.

Suddenly she finds herself surrounded by Anna and her parents.

Her father puts his hand on her shoulder in a violent motion and shakes her hard, "Hear me, Elsa. Can you hear me ?". His voice comes in an urgent tone, "You have to hear me, Elsa"

Her mother is beside him the next moment, her voice soft, "Listen to me, Elsa. I need you to listen to me. Please"

Elsa stares blankly. Why are they asking her if she can hear them ? Of course she can .

Anna comes next.

Except Elsa can't hear what Anna says. She sees Anna's mouth moving, can feel that Anna is saying her something, but for heaven's sake, she just can't hear what.

She tries to strain her ears.

Still no sound.

She breaths heavily and tries to hug Anna, but before she can move she finds her body........gone. It is dark. Everything is gone.

She still can't hear anything and gets the impression that the dream's coming to an end. Things continue on in a dizzying haze, but nothing can stop the sudden burning in her hands or the tiny pain that is pulsing in her head.

A soothing hand runs through her scalp, messaging around where it hurt and bringing Elsa back to earth. She slowly opens her eyes. Pain, real, physical pain. So much pain. More than she has ever felt before. Elsa momentarily wonders if opening her eyes has ever been this much painful.

For several seconds, she sees nothing. Then slowly, lines appear, defining everything. Blue walls, snowflake patterns - she is in her room.

She flexes her left hand and feels her fingers move against the sheets. She tries to push herself up, but hisses and falls back when pain shots up her hands.

Suddenly her mother and father appears in her field of vision. Their faces are filled with worry.

"Mama" she whispers.

No sound comes out, she supposes her throat is very dry.

Her parents doesn't say anything. Her father moves forward and helps her up.

Now that she is in a much comfortable position. She checks herself over.

Her hands are bandaged. Why ? Her head hurt. She moves her hands to her head, finds her blond hair tied in several knots, which will probably take her mother forever to get rid of. Slowly she lowers her hand but something- something in her ear, causes her to stop. She pulls the cotton plugs from her ear, and holds them before her eyes.

It comes off bloody.

She looks at her parents with a puzzled expression.

"What happened ?"

Her parents doesn't answer.

"Papa ?". She'd afraid now.

Still no answer.

Why can't they just freaking answer her ?

"Mama ? Why are you silent ?"

And then she notices something weird. Her parents' lips are moving. Belatedly, she realises she can't hear herself either. She clears her throat, feels the vibration of her vocal cords. But the world remains silent.

Her mother tentatively sits beside her, but Elsa doesn't hear the bed creaking. Her father walks closer and though she can see the medals dandling over his chest, she doesn't hear them. Doesn't hear what her mother is saying even though her lips are moving, doesn't hear her father's strong footsteps.

It's like the world has gone silent.

Or she's gone........deaf.

Horror takes over Elsa's senses as she tries to make sense of the situation. Tears escape her eyes followed by her hands clasping over her ears.

The sound of wailing and suffering echoes through the room but she doesn't hear anything.

She takes hold of her neck with both hands, feels her throat vibrating and squeezes them. She chokes until a hand pries away Elsa's fingers from her neck.

Someone- her mother, tries to hug her. Elsa doesn't look at her, doesn't let her touch her as she pushes her mother aside and backs away.

Her head bangs against the bed post. She fells the pain, but never hears the bang.

What is happening to her ?

She looks at her father for answer. Her vision is blurry, it is difficult for her to see clearly. But, she watches his bottom lip quiver and his shoulder, which has always been straight with confidence, is dropped in resignation.

And, then Elsa knows.

Complete hopelessness converted into tears rain down her face at lightning speed.

Her throats starts to burn, and only then she realises, she is screaming

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