Chapter 28: Small August Celebrations

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-Tuesday, August 1, 2023~2:18PM-

~Ryo's POV~

We were towards the end of our music video filming, filming one of the chorus parts when I noticed two girls walk in with a plate of cookies. I grinned wide at the known faces that were RC's Irene and Jane. Once the cameras stopped rolling, Michael and I both made our way over to them as we each had a crush on each of them.

"Hey girls, what are you doing here?" Michael asked.

"What do you think?" Jane asked with a playful smile.

I looked at Irene who was holding the plate of cookies. She then held the plate out to me. "Happy Birthday."

I smiled as I took the plate from her, licking my lips. "They look delicious. Thank you, Irene."

She nodded with a smile and followed me as I went to go set the cookies down somewhere.

"I really like the song so far." Irene said once it was just us two.

"Really?" I asked, seeing if she was being truthful or just nice. "You only caught the end of the chorus."

"But so far, I like it." She said. "I'm excited for the rest of the song."

I turned around to look at her, a wide grin on my face. "You have no idea how happy that makes me?"

"Why?" She let out a confused snicker.

"Because I wrote the song." I grinned.

Her jaw dropped with the corners of her lips curled into a smile. "OMO, oppa, that's amazing! I didn't know you could produce music."

"Yeah." I smiled, looking down shyly. "I've been writing music for a while and I've participated in a lot of our songs but this is the first title track that I fully wrote."

"Wow, oppa." Irene suddenly hugged me. "That's amazing. I'm so proud of you."

I froze from her sudden embrace but it didn't take long for me to hug her back. "Thank you."

When our hug broke, she gave me the sweetest smile and it made me so happy. I almost wanted to try something more but I didn't as we were called to film again. Jane and Irene stayed for the rest of the shoot which was only an hour longer and both gave me many great compliments on my production of the song. Although I had expected to see Irene today, her thoughts on the song made my birthday ten times better.


-Saturday, August 5, 2023~6:30PM-

~Michael's POV~

Our food arrived and I lifted my glass of champagne, my members following right away. It took a minute for everyone to notice as there were ten of us.

"We've officially made it to our four year mark." I said with a smile on my face. "With a full album, four mini albums, and our fifth on the way, along with lots of member changes throughout our debut, we've been through a lot; it feels a little underappreciated but I want everyone to know that I appreciate every single one of you and I think we've done extremely well so far. Let's keep it up so we can celebrate again in a year. Cheers to Leg10nds!"

"Cheers!" My members all shouted, clanking our glasses together.

"I hope you didn't jinx us, hyung." Em said once we were all sat down and eating.

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head in confusion.

"Your speech sounded a little like you're worried we won't last." Rex stated.

"Oh, did it?" I chuckled. "Sorry. I was just looking at our journey."

"Well let's hope our journey still has a long way to go." Bamnal said, raising his glass once more in a toast before taking a swig.

Some of the members copied his actions before we all continued to eat. When looking back on my words, I could understand where my members were coming from and it made me hope, too, that I didn't jinx us.


-Saturday, August 19, 2023~6:00PM-

~Rex's POV~

"It's six." I pointed out amongst my members' chatter.

Everyone grew quiet and faced the TV.

"Are we ready?" Michael asked the group.

"No!" Ryo exclaimed, covering his eyes. He was the most nervous since it was his song he wrote.

"Hyung, it'll be great." Em said, grabbing the male's hand that was covering his eyes and putting it down in his own lap.

Ryo looked at the bright male and took a deep breath. He looked at Michael and nodded. "Play it."

"Okay, is everyone else ready?" Michael asked us.

"We've been ready." Ming stated.

We all snickered and Michael pointed the remote at the TV and refreshed our company's YouTube page, our music video popping up with Ming as the thumbnail.

"Hey, it's me." He grinned.

"And you look so cool!" Bamnal exclaimed.

"As he always does." Lane nodded.

"Thanks guys." Ming grinned wider.

"Okay, let's watch, shall we?" Michael snickered.

We all nodded and stayed quiet as we watched the music video. There wasn't a whole lot to it but I think that's what made it better: how simple it was for a not-so-simple song.

"Everyone looked so cool." Ryo smiled as the music video ended.

"And I liked the racing theme." Lane said. "It's a cool concept."

"It'll be fun to perform." I said, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Alright, well dinner is almost ready so why don't we go set the table and eat?" Michael said.

We all agreed and headed to the kitchen where we all naturally fell into our chores for dinner before sitting together at our large but still 'small for ten' table and ate while discussing our music video. Although some did seem a bit disappointed, I was just excited to get back on that stage.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! This chapter is a little short, sorry. But there wasn't much more I could do as I caught up to real time. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

P.S unedited.

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