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"Must you really know, Kyra?" I replied to her whilst looking at the planet below my space station.
"I must. I've been stuck with you for as long as I can remember. If I do not know, how else must I trust you to the fullest?" Kyra said, I looked at her through the window's reflection, I could see the doubt and hesitation in her very own eyes. A sight someone like me had been used to seeing
"My past is nothing in need of your knowledge. Neither does it need your opinion." Coldly did my voice sound as I crossed my arms and clenched my fist.
"Well then. I've trusted you but it seems like you do not reciprocate the same trust as mine." I heard her speak, her voice was slightly cracked and I could tell she was silently sobbing inside. Usually, I wouldn't care less, I was used to seeing her crying her eyes out on different occasions. But this time, I felt something in the back of my mind and something wrapping around my heart and mind. I could not quite put my finger on it.
As I saw her storm out, I looked out again to the planet ahead and it reminded me of something…

November 7th, I was born to a rich but decent family. My father, at the time, was the Captain of the whole space station while my mother was the head nurse attending to the wounded men on the ship. Everyone rejoiced when I was born, and two years after I was born. My brother came into the world, he was a spitting image of my mother whilst I was a spitting image of my own mother, but my brother's personality was more emotional and sensitive like my mom. And you've guessed it, I got my father's independence and strong-willed personality. Maybe that's the reason why I was so closer to my father than my mother even though some of the people on board told me I should be more.. "Lady-like". I want to prove them wrong and be the first Captain that is a woman of this ship and I will stick to my very own word.

Welcome to life which is full of Conflicts.

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