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Y/n welcomed the Kim's and they started the meeting

Y/n~ So tell me everything I need to know Uhh...yes so as you know I have been the mafia queen for quite a long time and there are many things that you should know about continued talking and telling her about the do's and don'ts about ruling the mafia world

After was done she asked y/n if she had any queries so y/na- I meant miss y/n these are everything you need to you want to ask anything?

Y/n~ okay and yes I do want to ask you one thing


I welcomed the Kim's and the meeting started started telling me what to do and what not to do as the mafia queen afterwards she asked me if I had any queries so y/na- I meant miss y/n these are everything you need to you want to ask anything?

Y/n~ okay and yes I do want to ask you one thing Ya go head

Y/n~ Why are you actually here W-What d-do you mean * she asked nervously*

Y/n~ do you really thought that I will think that this is just a normal meeting *tsk tsk* tell me the actul reasone you are her. *I asked coldly in an ordering tone*

Jin~ y- miss Lee y/n * he let's out a sign before continuing* we actually wanted to give you an offer .*he sadly smile*

Y/n~ What kind of offer seok-jin

Jin~ We want to work with you *he said passing me a file*

I was reading the file while he was explaining the offer

Jin~ we want to collaborate with you since your now the mafia queen and after some research we found that we have a common enemy...

I heard him say that we have a common enemy and after that he just paused

Y/n~ who is it *I asked sill reading the terms and conditions of a contract paper*

???~ It's the..." BLACK SPIDER"

As soon as I heard the name took my eyes off from the file

Y/n~ the BLACK SPIDER * l let chuckled with a smirk*

Okay then tell me what do you want mr Kim Namjoon *I continued*

Namjoon~ we want you to join us so we can find and destroy all members of that gang * he said with hope in his eyes*

Y/n~ but according to the contract I have to live with you that right? Yes y/n

Y/n~ I'll agree to this deal under one condition what-t condition *she said while smiling*

Y/n~ my bestfriend will be with me too

Jin~ but who is he/she and will be comfortable with us...

Y/n~ yes she will be comfortable you don't need to worry after all she is Saanvi

I could see how their faces looked when they here her name they were damn scared well who wouldn't be after all she is really scary that sometimes I even get scared o-okay-y miss y/n it's totally fine with us

She said and I put my hands forward for a handshake

Y/n~ pleasure working with you The pleasure is all mine

With that they left


They shoke their hands and the Kim's made their way to the exit

A soon as they left y/n called some

Y/n~ guess what we got some work
Wow I know I uploaded the chapter late it's because I was caught off with some school work

Hey guys hru
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