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Hey guys so I just wanted to tell you that my exams are coming up so I won't be able to update the story for a while but there is something big coming up in the chapter

Some Preview
Preview of the upcoming chaps

???~ Huh?what did you just say?

???~ I said Oppa

???~ what you thankyou sooo muchh

???~ Nonna plz join us

???~ No

???~ plews nonna *puppy eyes*

???~ Yes, pewrety plzz nonna *puppy eyes*

???~ Ok fine let's go

???~ yaaa!

???~ Oh uhh...ya...umm...H-hi

???~ uhh...h-hey

???~ it-t nice to meet you

???~ same here

???~ Ohhh love at first sight huh...*wiseper*

???~ Marry me julite you'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really's a love story baby just say-

???~ Yes!

*clap clap clap*

???~ Congratulations guys

???~ Ya! Calm down

???~ How the fuck I'm I suppose to calm down that motherfucking bastard I'm not gonna leave him alive

???~ Same here I'll kill him

Hey guys
hru you'll

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