Clarity and Confusion

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‟𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 / 𝙞 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢„
sarah, alex g


A girl stood in front of you, her hair a deep indigo and separated into two neat bunches, "I'm @#!%$;S@#. It's nice to meet you!" She beamed, flashing you a wide smile.

You shook her hand, giving her a small smile, "I'm Y/n."

"So, did you, um, get given a map, or... 'cause I could show you around if you want."

You decided to not mention the map you had been given by the receptionist. You wanted to make friends. "No, I didn't. I'm a little lost."

"Of course, let's go!"

An inky void.

"Number Nine."


It was night. You stood on the top of a rooftop, the city massive and sprawling in every direction around you. The warm orange glow of street lamps lit the quiet roads. There was a small breeze and a faint stinging on your lower lip. You put a hand up to it- blood.

Someone appeared from beside you, "You okay?"

You didn't bother looking at him, "All good, Leo." You charged forward at the uncanny-looking man in front of you both.

"Number Nine."

The streets were dark and quiet. Unusually quiet. Suspiciously quiet. You could faintly hear the ocean far in the distance. And then there was a loud roaring and the sound of a window smashing. You looked up at the town's welcome sign that currently hung above you. Crystal Cove.

"Number Nine."

You felt your body make contact with the ground. It was gentle, your fall cushioned by a thick bed of golden flowers. You lay there for a moment, stunned, staring up at the small cavern at the top of the mountain that you'd fallen from. Well, presumably. The small amount of light spilling from the cavern's entrance trickled down into the cave you'd fallen into, giving the area around you some faint visibility.

"Number Nine."

You blinked. You were sitting in a chair opposite Reginald Hargreeves, who was scribbling notes at a desk. This wasn't his office. He put down his pen and stared at you.

You blinked, "Mr. Hargreeves."

"Poor response time." He noted, "Nevermind, you're here now."

You dug your fingernails into your palms. Small sharp pain. Then, was this real? "What's going on?" Your voice cracked slightly with uncertainty.

"It appears that your ability to predict the future did not manifest in the way I had anticipated." He responded rather calmly, "You seem to be falling into realities that you already have some kind of knowledge of, as opposed to actual prediction."

You reacted unusually calmly to this- well, you found your own response unusual, at least. This was the first time you had ever remembered meeting Reginald Hargreeves, and didn't expect him to have enough of a grasp on your personality. "Oh." You responded, "So, how do I get back to my reality?"

"Well, how should I know?" He raised an eyebrow at you. "You're the one switching realities recklessly."

You stared at him a little incredulously, "Recklessly? I didn't mean to end up here!"

"And all the other realities?"

"What other realities?"

Reginald sighed in irritation, "How is it that I've been dead for a total of four days, and I am more aware of your abilities than you yourself?"

Your voice came out as more of a whisper, "This has happened before?"

"You have spent roughly twenty-one years of your life in realities that were not your original." He gave another irritated sigh at this, but the frown he was giving you could be interpreted as one of mild concern if someone paid enough attention to it, "Do you not recall any of those years?"

A moment of silence passed as Reginald waited expectantly for an answer.

"No." You said quietly, eventually.

He looked at you strangely, "Then what is this dream about?"

The world around you started to fade away.

"Number Nine."

You blinked to find yourself surrounded by a dark evergreen forest. It was thick and the darkness of the night made it difficult to see more than the hazy silhouettes of your environment. Your breathing was heavy as you felt the pain of having just fallen to the floor. You scrambled up, glaring.

Someone lunged at you with a hatchet. You caught enough of a glimpse to notice the amber goggles firmly over their eyes. You darted out of the way to dodge it. Not fast enough to entirely avoid it. You let out a loud cry in pain as you felt the sharp metal slash across your back, ripping through the skin. Your feet tripped over themselves, not quite functioning in response to the horrific pain as the warmth of blood began soaking through your skin.

"Wait- stop, please!" You cried out, turning over and scrambling backwards as you stared in terror at the figure.

Amber goggles. A mouthguard. A striped hoodie. He did not respond, instead throwing himself at you, hatchet swinging and


hi!!! sorry i just LOVE writing dream sequences especially as a way to do fun little lore drops!!! i hope this was enjoyed at least <3

- toby

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