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Cheryl's POV:

I laid in bed wondering why my boss would ask me about Toni having romantic feelings about me. I mean Toni did get attach fast which I didn't mind at all. I actually thought it was adorable. I don't know much about Toni's past, and I hope to know more about it later on from her and not someone else. I'm really glad Toni trusts me.

Toni's the first ever patient I haven't had to struggle for their trust, she just, let it happen. I found it comforting.

Toni had a bunch of disorders; I'm not understanding how she could romantically be attached to me anyways.
I sighed, my mind slowly wondering to if me and Toni were dating, I mean she is gorgeous I cannot deny that.

I stopped abruptly, why would I think about that? She's, my patient. Although dating Toni wouldn't be so...bad. I mean I can love and treat her right of course.

Cheryl what the fuck are you thinking get the fuck of those thoughts. I got out of my thoughts and started to get ready for work. I was excited to see Toni today and excited for her to tell me about how she slept and how she was feeling. As I was getting ready for work my boss texted me.

Boss: Cheryl you need to make your way to work NOW!

I looked at her message confused on what she meant but I replied with "on my way" and finished getting ready. After I got done getting ready, I hopped in my car and made my way to work. When I arrived, I walked in the building and seen we were on lock down.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked my coworker.

"Patient 32 tried to stab patient 25." He said to me.

I felt my heart drop and I immediately ran to Toni's room where I saw doctors, nurses and security guards by her room and her on the floor curled up crying.

"Can I go to her?" I asked one of the security guards.

He nodded his head yes and stepped aside for me to go in. I didn't waste any time and ran to Toni. I touched her back and she jumped up and began to cry harder.

"Please don't hurt me I'm sorry!" She yelled.

"No Toni it's Cheryl, I would never hurt you. Look at me." I said to her.

She slowly picked her head up and when she saw me, she jumped into my arms and cried.

"I didn't do anything. I promise. I didn't bother her." She said as she sobbed in my arms.

"It's okay Toni." I said as I rubbed her back. After about 10 minutes Toni began to calm down. She was laying in my arms and playing with my hair.

"Do you want to get in your bed?" I asked her.

"Not yet" she whispered and continued to play with my hair. I gave her a small smile and we both sat on the floor until I heard my boss come in.

"Cheryl." My boss said in a stern voice.

"Yes ma'am?" I said as I got up off the floor.

"Patient 32 wants you to be her doctor." She said to me.

"Miss. Jacobs I'm already Toni's full-time doctor how would that work?" I asked her.

"Like I told you before Toni is for the more advanced doctors and I think you will do just fine with patient 32." She said.

"With all due respect I think I am doing fine with Toni." I said to her.

"It's not up to you to decide. You have 2 weeks left with Toni." She said then walked away.

I sighed and walked back into Toni's room and seen her crying. Lord please don't tell me she overheard me and my boss's conversation.

"What's wrong Toni?" I asked her.

"Please don't leave me...please." She whispered as she begged and cried.

My heart broke listening to her beg me to not leave her. It's not like I wanted to but it's not up to me.
"Toni..I, there's nothing I can do TT"I sighed defeatedly.

"But why? I thought, I thought"She let out another sob as I stood there, trying my best to comfort her.
"I don't know, but trust me leaving you is the last thing I want to do"I say to her softly.

I was about to say something else before being interrupted by a nurse,"Blossom they need you"Fangs told me.
I sighed looking over at Toni sadly.
"Good bye, Toni"And with that I followed Fangs to where I was needed, hearing Toni's screams as I walked, but I couldn't turn back.

Fangs lead me to patients 35 room, I sigh.
"This is your new doctor,"Fangs stated.
"Hi Veronica,"

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