1. 'Aedificare'; To Build.

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Earlier this evening, a note quietly slipped under your door. The note read;

'My room 11:15pm.'

And you knew exactly from who it was. Your lieutenant, Simon Ghost Riley. He has been staring you down all day. Which was surprising because normally he'd barely even acknowledge your presence.

Today during training he seemed even more snappy then usual. He kept criticising every little move of every single recruit. You figured he probably needed a stress reliever.

You gently knocked onto his door, which he immediately opened. He pulled you inside by your arm and closed the door behind you.

"Get on the bed. I've had a shitty week."
His British accent muttered.

You nodded, sitting down on the bed and crossing your legs, looking up at him with curiosity. Ghost his back was turned to you, his hands rested on his hips. He sighed.

He slowly turned around and walked towards you, grabbing you by your throat.

"Wanna know why i've had a shitty week, bunny?"
"Because i had to listen to recruits brag about the evenings they've had with you... the whole fucking day."

His dark eyes stared you down. He leaned close enough for his warm breath to graze against your face through his mask.

"I don't want you to continue with your... business." He has an puzzled expression on his face, as if he did not want to admit what he was about to say.

"I want you for myself..." He whispered, his eyes looking into yours.

"What if i don't want to be only yours?" You replied looking up at him. The grip he had around your throat slightly tightened with your response.

"After tonight... you won't want to be with anyone else." He replied. In the background, you faintly heard the sound of a zipper opening.

A playful grin spread across your face as you realised which zipper was opening. Ghost gently placed his hands on your thighs, caressing them at a slow pace.

His hands were rough and calloused, yet they were gentle when they touched you, and they slowly made their way up your skirt.

Ghost leaned in closer to your neck. He slowly pulled his mask up, but only enough for his mouth to be exposed. His lips were pale and he had a slight stubble. He slowly exhaled against your neck.

He then closed the distance between his lips and your skin, placing slow soft kisses below your jaw.

"I've been wondering how you taste for so long..." He whispered as he gently licked your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.

"And i cannot wait to taste more."

You looked down into his eyes dark eyes, being able to see every little detail within them.
You took in a deep breath, you had to get used to feeling him so close. Feeling him so gentle.

Normally he would only come this close to you to scream at you during training. To criticise your every move...

His praise was something you could get used to.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Ghost asked, noticing your silence. A small smirk appeared on his face before he began to trail kisses from your neck, down to your collarbone.

His hands slid further up your skirt, holding onto the edge of your panties.
"Be a good girl for me tonight, and stay quiet." He said, his dark eyes looking into yours.

Calvaria [ Simon Ghost Riley x Barracks Bunny ]Where stories live. Discover now