episode 4 The finding

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The tragedy happened so quickly that everything appeared normal until the police arrived and turned on all the lights. I was shocked to find that all of the deceased people had survived. I was only able to be shocked because everything appeared to be normal in my mind, so I fled in terror. Jackson Hewitt keeps messing me up, and I feel bad.
I was on another planet the entire time, so anything I witnessed was not actually happening. I keep asking myself in a stern voice, "What's wrong with me?"
Everyone left the party and headed home.
After the party, when everyone had left for home, I was surprised to see my father up and yelling at me despite my attempts to explain why. I sobbed as I entered.
My father told me to "get your things together because we are leaving."

I never felt accepted by anyone, so why do I feel like it will never happen that I will ever be accepted? It hurts to leave your friend behind to start a new life.
"Will this suffering ever end? Will I ever experience joy once more? Why do I feel like my life is so difficult?" What truly happened when my mother passed away, I wonder.

I feel so disliked and despised. My father hated me so much, and everyone calls me a witch. But even if I am a witch, I have never damaged anyone. I'm not associated with anyone. Everyone despises me. I keep thinking about that all night long.
We drove to a new place, and the trip was quite stressful. Despite this, I had to keep from laughing because my father never asked me what I wanted and only shouted and yelled at me.
Your new residence is this.

There, that's your room.

Cruelty rules the world. I'll keep repeating that.

Hello, Jeni. How are you today?
Hello, Jeni, hey how are you?
Jeni: Hi Tabitha, how are you doing? Tell me about your new house.
Tabitha: I miss it there and I want a new place to live. I simply wish I could leave this place and return to you.

Jeni, I miss you.

Missing you too, little child,

"By next week, I'll be beginning a new school year.

"I will visit you soon because I miss you so much."

Tabitha: If you could come, baby girl, I would be so grateful.Tabitha
Do you enjoy it here, dad?
Tabitha: Why are you asking me now, dad? You never asked me that.
Why did you say that to me, Dad?

I'm sorry, dad, but I love it here, Tabitha

Dad: You had no choice; I'm just trying to keep you safe.

Tabitha: Keep me safe from what father

Dad: just remain composed and silent.

Do well in class to welcome our newest student.
"I'm Tabitha Brown,"immediately. Everyone started laughing.

You appear to be freckled, you are really unattractive, and your hair is disorganized.
Mr. Michael stated in a stern tone, "Shut up." jack.
I feel so ashamed and wonder why everyone is so upset with me.
Tabitha headed to her seat.
"Thanks, Michael
Ever freak don't sit close to me.A quiet voice says, "Come sit with me."

I had to sit down with Pearl since she was attractive and had genius ambitions.
You sink, you sink. To me, your hair seems unkempt and sad. Jack said to me

Jack is so strong and powerful that everyone is afraid of him. He is a victim of bullying despite being from a noble background.

You're too unattractive to compete with anyone in this class, you freak, and you have no business being in this class."
You have no business being here.
Hey Jack, you are hurt. Your mom and dad are getting a divorce, and you are not happy. You wish you could have a better parent, but no, you are treated like a piece of trash and nobody loves you.. we are on the same page. I hate it here. I never wanted to be here, and being here makes me freak out. I shouted in a loud voice and everyone was surprised at my tune.

"How did you find out about that? I'm not a weirdo like you and I never will be.

Everybody was shocked.

Pearl, my new friend I truly made, is composed. Jack was surprised since I revealed all of his personal information.
You weirdo, don't give a damn what you say. I'm not going to be you weirdo, don't give a damn what you say. I was bullied by Jack, but he was afraid when he found out I knew about him, so I'm never going to let you talk down on me.
As Jack walked angrily toward the class, the whole class burst into laughter, and the entire class started to laugh.

Jack is sitting alone in the basement as tears stream down his face. He always wanted a calm family but never had one.

He was crying alone in the basement, and I was horrified to see him. I approach him.

He yelled at me as I approached, "Don't come close to me, you freak, I hate you. How did you find out about me?"

You've only started school today , and no one knows who i am. You're shocking me. I can read minds and I know you are wounded. You are a good kid Jack, just don't allow yourselves to trow down in doing things you don't like doing,
" You are a real witch, Tabitha. As far as I can remember, I have never met you before.

"No, I'm not a witch, and I never have been in my life. I don't understand what you're saying.

Jack: So how did you know that as you spit the word out of your lips, your eyes turned blue? I saw it.

Tabitha: I've never seen my eyes become blue and I've never had blue eyes.
Jack: Tabitha, who are you?
I'm Tabitha Brown, please. I am not a witch since I never knew my mother. She passed on the day I was born, and I have always lived with my father.

Jack: But when you're with me, your eyes turn blue. You crazy

Tabitha: Why would you think that? I'm not a witch; I'm just a regular kid, and my eyes never turn blue. No one wants me, and everyone hates me.

Dad never shows me love. He mistreated me horribly and blamed me for the disappearance of my mother.

Jack: I'm really sorry, Tabitha brow, for making the class laugh at you.

It's okay, Jack. I never intended to make fun of your family. I'm sorry I had to spill it, but I really hope we can become friends.
Jack: Let's become buddies, Tabitha.

My first day of school wasn't particularly horrible, and I now consider Jack to be a friend. I also truly enjoy school.

Everyone at school was shocked to see me and Jack conversing. Jack, who is a popular boy and bullied.

Everyone was amazed to see Jack chatting to me, especially the most popular girls in school and from a noble family; Zoe, Kaylee, and Brielle.
Everyone is aware of Jack's history of bullying and lack of social skills.

Zeo is the cheerleaders' leader of her group and the most popular girl in my class.Jack doesn't love Zoe, but she likes him.
Jack is the class's most attractive boy.
He had golden Viking hair. Hair. His eyebrows were scraggly. EYEBROWS.He had a nose like a hawk.He had sharp cheekbones .his jaw was like concrete.He had shoulders like a Titan. SHOULDERS.

He glided with the elegance of a leopard.

Moreover, he had a high IQ.

Every girl imagines holding Jack, yet Jack never desired anyone.

Erick was a friend of Jack's and jack was the leader of his basketball team.

Jack, Erick and Leo are best friends and the most handsome boys in school.
Everyone's girl's dream was to date jack and his friends.

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