Chapter 22-What Happened In High School

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'J, what the hell? ' I exclaimed,  struggling to comprehend what was going on.

'Ella's my sister and we're just talking.' Jackson said, forcing a laugh out of the corner of his mouth. 'Something wrong?'

'But you said you were working over the weekend. I invited you here.' Now that we weren't in the public eye, I didn't have to try to be nice to her anymore. 'Ella, please don't tell me you're planning to do something to us.'

'Me? Oh no, you've got it all wrong. It was never really about me or Andrew.'  Ella said coolly. 'I think it's time she knew, Jackson. '

All at once, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything made sense- Ella being Andrew's girlfriend, me being sabotaged, meeting Jackson here. I stared at Jackson, unable to grasp with the revelation that had dawned on me as my eyes flitted from the tall, confident brunette to the lanky man who was her brother.

'But... it happened so many years ago.' I mumbled, my fingers clutching at my palm as it folded into balls of fists. No way.

'It did, Ashly. But things from the past tend to have an effect on the future. As much as I try to forget, Ashly, as much as you try... I just can't. '

I closed my eyes and my mind wandered to that fateful night.

'Hey, excited for tonight? '  Lauren grinned with anticipation.' I can't wait for you to be a part of us. Don't look so bloody nervous now, we've all done it at one point or another and we're still here aren't we.' She threw me a bright grin.

'I'm not,' I lied, trying to muster up a brave smile. 'It just seems, I don't know, kinda harsh."

"And talking smack about Sierra isn't?" Lauren shot me a horrified look like I'd just admitted I still peed my bed every night. "She has it coming. And you should never forget why we have this in the first place- to get back at those who deserve it, and help those who aren't getting what they do deserve." she smiled coyly.

I nodded vehemently, though my heart was heavy with fear and guilt. Lauren was already on the next topic (something about her current eye-candy), and I listened attentively— anything to keep my mind off what I was about to do. Before long though, the sun had disappeared and the first dark tendrils of night had stained the orange sky an inky blue. Lauren squeezed my hand Good Luck, and I headed down the path into the woods, my hoodie drawn up tight around me .

Just thinking what I had to do Macy made me want to crawl into a crevice and stay there for good. All these weeks of trying to befriend her and gain her trust all boiled down to getting into the secret society. But I wasn't going to question my actions at this point. Lauren was right. If I helped myself this time— by doing what was wrong— I would be able to help others very soon. Although, I was doubtful it was for the good of others and really just to get us more benefits.

"Hey! You came." I smiled at the petite girl standing before me who was glancing at the old cabin curiously.

"Why are we meeting here?" Macy bit her lip.

"I have something to show you. Go on in first, I just need to get some things ready. Go check it out, it's really cool!" I urged.

"Ok." Macy stepped inside tentatively and I gently closed the door behind her, placing a sturdy-looking branch through the lock.

I went round to the other side of the cabin and struck a match. Just do it Ash, just drop it- and before you know it, the others will pop up with their buckets of water. Heck, they'll stomp out the fire. Nothing's going to go wrong. It'll just be a harmless prank to Macy, and you'll be officially initiated.

So I did.

It took a while for the tiny flicker of flame to grow into a reasonably sized fire and tendrils of smoke to creep into the cabin.

"Uh, Ashly?" Macy was standing on the other side of the door, trying to get it to open. "You out there?"

I bit my lip and swallowed the urge to reply.

"Ashly, is something wrong?" Macy's usual gentle, lilting tone was racked with panic now, causing it to go high-pitched. A few seconds passed by in tensed silence, then she pounded on the door furiously as the fire sent more smoke inside.

I glanced around frantically. Where were they? The fire was going to morph into a raging inferno if they don't come soon! I ran out to the front, wanting to end it all and release her when a beam crashed down, just a few feet in front of me. The fierce heat had obviously weakened the already-rotting structure of the cabin- and Macy would be trapped if I didn't do something soon.

"What the hell's going on?" a voice exclaimed. I froze— it was definitely not one of them.

"I... I don't know, I was just about to go in, and then..." I stumbled over my words, then blurted out, "Macy's inside!" I whirled around to face the tall, muscly guy, shock written all over his well-defined features. Macy's more popular and well-known older brother, Carlos.

"Bloody hell!" he muttered, giving me the most scornful glare before running for the door. His glare glued me to the spot and intensified my guilt if anything— did he suspect I had something to do with this? If it burnt down... if anything happened to her...

A full minute had passed and I could do nothing except to dial for the fire brigade with my shaking fingers. I was about to heave a huge sigh of relief when Carlos stumbled out with his sister in his arms.

Then he tripped right into a burning piece of wood and a bloodcurdling scream shattered the quiet serenity of the woods.

a/n: it's going to be a pretty long flashback— so I'm not done with it yet. How does what Ashly did during high school link up to what Jackson and Ella are up to...? Find out in the next chapter (:

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