Chapter 23-High School Sweethearts (no more)

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Jackson's POV (Flashback)

My heart just about stopped when I heard the news. A sudden fire outbreak in the woods- Macy, Ashly and Carlos were all involved. I didn't want to admit I was just a tad bit worried for my ex-best friend, but... Carlos.

I had to go see him.

A few days ago

"Yo, Jackson. You going for the game?" A voice drifted over to me as I was walking out of the gym.

I was startled for a moment that he was even speaking to me. Sure, he was a popular guy , someone who was nice and friendly to everyone in general, but we barely talked outside of class, and the only few times we did were because we were in the same group for this English project and I was the group leader, so I pretty much had to coordinate with everyone even though I usually shunned interaction of any kind. Plus... I kind of had a crush on him. But even I was aware that he was way out of my league.

"Uh, maybe, I don't know." I shifted my backpack on my shoulder and clutched my textbooks to my chest tightly.

"You have to come. Finals are not til next month anyway." Carlos remarked, eyeing my textbooks.

"Right, but so what if I go? Not like there'll be any cheerleaders hanging on me or that I'll understand anything going on in the field." I blurted out my thoughts (thoughtlessly), then clenched my jaw as I chastised myself mentally. That was nothing if not social suicide, insulting what basically every single popular jock did in front of the most popular jock. And killing whatever chances I even had of impressing him.

Carlos laughed, and a fierce blush raced up my neck. I picked up my pace quickly. "I like your honesty. But y'know, these things are secondary. What happened to genuinely supporting your school team and having fun?"

I turned my face towards him slightly. "Fun is not just about conditioning your mind just so you'll enjoy yourself. It's really about handling the pressure of being perceived in a certain way in public- something which, I'm afraid I fail at miserably." Shut up, Jackson. Just stop talking and walk away.

"Tell me about it." Carlos shrugged. "I mean, it's cool that I get support from so many people, but sometimes it's just..." he struggled to find the right word.

"Overwhelming, suffocating?" I offered, trying not to stare too much at his perfectly shaped lips, perfect everything and looking straight ahead at the now-empty corridor.

"Yeah." He stopped walking suddenly and I realised as much as I'd wanted to get away, I was actually matching his speed subconsciously. He was giving me an intense, strange stare. "You're really perceptive, y'know."

"Sorry if I'm weirding you out." I bit my lip. "Look, I-" I glanced up at him awkwardly, only to find his face inches away from mine. I found myself unable to shirk away.

My lips grew numb, then warm when the distance between us closed up and all I could taste was a faint hint of peppermint, and the most amazing feeling which had descended upon me.

"I've kinda been wanting to do this for a while now." Carlos said slowly as we broke apart. I was giddy with euphoria and adrenaline and it took me a few seconds to process his words.

"Since when?"

"Since you answered that question in Chem and we worked together for that assignment." he answered surprisingly quickly. "But listen, I... I'm sorry if this isn't how you roll. I just want to put it out there that I-"

"I am. " I admitted. "But I'm just so... out of your league."

"Whoever said you were?" Carlos frowned. "I always saw a smart guy, reserved and never really wanting to let anyone get inside your head and know what you're thinking."

"Oh." I was pretty taken aback, but at least he didn;t peg me as a friendless loser. The unpopular kid. The untouchable. "Well. I actually... had a crush on you since forever." I said aloud, feeling pretty damn... liberated.

"Damn." Carlos exhaled and flashed the smile which I'd been coveting for to be directed to me for ages. "Should've made a move earlier then."

"But what will people think," I pointed out the elephant in the, uh, school carpark. "It doesn't look good on you."

"The fact that I'm gay?" Carlos furrowed his brow.

"That you're with me." I squirmed.

"Like you said, Jackson. We shouldn't care about what pressure society or the public eye or whatever thinks because then everything we do will feel wrong and we can't be ourselves." Carlos looked at me in the eye. "Besides... you're being too hard on yourself."

"So where do we stand?" I asked awkwardly.

"You're cute, you know that?" Carlos said softly, and a pleasant glow grew in my chest. "We're together." Carlos clutched my hand. "And we'll come out together soon."

My cheeks flared just thinking about our impromptu kiss. I took a shot in the dark and sent him a text. It took me a few attempts before I finally settled on what I wanted to say.

Hey. Hope you're feeling better now?

If he wanted me to visit, he would say so, and I wasn't about to appear desperate.

I spent the afternoon catching up on homework, checking my phone every fifteen minutes. My heart filled with anticipation when finally the envelope icon popped up on my screen.

Look, save it. This may look like an accident, but you know very well it isn't.

The harsh words seared into my mind as I struggled to comprehend them. What did I even do? What did he mean by like like an accident?

Carlos, I'm sorry if I did something to upset you, but I honestly have no idea what you're referring to.

I hit send almost forcefully. This time, the reply came in a minute.

I know it was Ashley who somehow played a part in this whole 'incident'. I don't believe she hasent told you what she was planning to do. And anyone who dares hurt my sister would never live it down. And here I thought I saw something in you, but you're just like the others who will do anything at all just for your own good.

My phone slipped out of my fingers and I felt the strongest urge to slam it against the wall in hurt and frustration.


She'll pay for this.

-end of flashback-

A/n: looks like Ashley caused Jackson to fall out with his high school lover in the past... what'll happen next?? Read on ~

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