Who I am

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     Before Sarawat could even process the heated gaze in Tine's eyes, Tine surged forward and captured Sarawat's lips with his own, pinning Sarawat's body between Tine and the wall. Tine was ravenous and poured the 25 years of built-up desire into the kiss. Finally, getting to feel the pressure of the perfect heart-shaped lips against his own, outside of dreams and imagination. When Sarawat's lips gave way to Tine's supplication, Tine wasted no time slipping his tongue inside to taste Sarawat on his tongue.

     The lingering taste of his blood in Sarawat's mouth only drove Tine more wild as Tine ground his body further into Sarawat's. Sarawat had never been kissed quite like this. Namcha was the only other person Sarawat had ever kissed, and he and Namcha had always been so nice. Namcha had been pliable and had taken whatever Sarawat gave. Tine was anything but nice. Tine was hungry and making his appetite known, putting his strength behind the kiss as though he could meld their separate mouths into one, his hands digging into Sarawat's skin and tugging Sarawat's hair roughly.

     Sarawat had never felt so wanted, so needed before, and he was drowning in everything that was Tine. His senses were overwhelmed by the feel of Tine's hands raking through his hair. His breath in his mouth as their tongues wrestled against each other. His smell as his pheromones went wild, and the sight of him, beautiful with his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed. Tine's body heat wrapping around Sarawat like a heated blanket full of ecstasy and security.  Sarawat was quickly losing his grip on his own sanity. Wrapping one arm around Tine's waist, he flipped them around, so it was Tine's back against the wall.

     Sarawat reluctantly pulled away before he lost control completely and continued to place sweet kisses along Tine's mouth and jaw. He lightly nipped the skin on Tine's neck and accidentally found a weak spot. Sarawat almost lost the few remaining crumbs of sanity he was clinging to when Tine's appreciative, lusty moan rang in his ears and set his veins on fire. Sarawat's soul flew as his cock hardened at the sound, and he pressed Tine deeper into the wall, bracing them both against it. He used the wall to help still their movements so they could retrieve some of their sanity back, breathing in Tine's natural scent as both an anchor and an aphrodisiac while they both calmed down and regained control over their senses, "As much as I would love to continue this, I think there is so much more we need to discuss," Sarawat drawled huskily into the skin of Tine's neck just below his ear.

     It took Tine a minute. The eroticism from the bite had lit him up from the inside out and he'd been completely unprepared for the surge it sent through him. As his sanity returned, the realization of his actions hit him. Tine loosened his grip from Sarawat's hair and nodded, still breathless with lust pulsating through his veins like a live wire. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was overwhelmed by the sensation, but that's no excuse."

      Sarawat shook his head and skated his fingers along the curvature of Tine's jaw reassuringly. "That's definitely not what I meant. You don't have to apologize. I want it too, and so much more," he said with a sensuous lilt to his voice.

     Tine internally cursed his lusty blunder, sanity finally returning under the extremely hot, but also not so pleasant, repercussions of his actions, and he lightly maneuvered their positions so there was a space between them again. "And that's why I shouldn't have done it. It was leading you on and that was cruel of me. I got caught up in the emotion and acted carelessly, I'm sorry."

     Sarawat frowned and looked up at Tine in hesitant confusion. "What do you mean by leading me on? Are we not on the same page?"

     Tine knew they were both reacting to the soul bond. Part of Tine knew he was in love with Sarawat, because he had dreamed of him his entire life, but another part of him realized that the Sarawat in front of him had lived over 3400 years since the Sarawat he knew from his dreams and was no longer the same person. There was also no way Sarawat could be in love with Tine, because he'd known Tine for less than two hours. Sarawat did not know Tine to love him, just as Tine no longer knew Sarawat to be truly in love with him either, and so Tine braced for the impact when he answered honestly, "No, we're not."

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