Chapter 4

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Scene 1 (continuation from last scene)

Few minutes after intense nonstop bàñging... He finally was getting to the climax of cummîñg..

Then he quickly took the phone closer to him and video how he pour his thick whitish spèrm Inside chidi.... Then he started smiling and laughing while his face was showing on the video... Then he removed his diick and inserted it several times videoing the whole process...

After that he stood up and entered the bathroom to bath.. as he was inside the bathroom he was just laughing in weird way..
When he was done he came out and met chidi still lying down on the bed..

Collins: I never wanted to do you this way...but you found out so fast... It's not my fault.... I guess you will have to keep on doing this until I leave here... He said while looking at chidi..

Then he went out and locked the door before going...

Few minutes after he left chidi woke up..

Chidi: moáning in pàíñ.. while trying to get up from the bed..
Then he checked around and noticed no one was inside the room then he get up and noticed some thick substance coming out from his asss region..

Oh shít! What is this? He said as he quicky raised his legs and noticed it was spèrm..

This animall poured it inside me....? Ah swearr I will keel this bàstard.... Ah swearr I will keel him..
He was still talking when Collins opened the door and came inside....

Chidi: ran to attackk Collins but he was to weak to even do anything meaningful..

Collins: pushedd him away..
Hey you better calm down... And not provoke me any further..

Chidi: fvck you! He said angrilyy while lying on the ground...

Collins: pointed some black leather to him!
Let eat.. I brought potatoes...

Chidi: fvck you and your potatoes... Animall..

Collins: hmmm... If you know what is good for should be calm and dance to my time..

Chidi: ah swearr if I get out of here I will make sure I keel you... With my own hands..

Collins: busted into a weird laughter..😂😂😂
I must confess.. you hóle is so damnn tight, soft and neat! Looks so fresh and like that if a virgin..

Chidi: just kept quiet looking at him..

Collins: removing the armless shirt he wore....
Your so sweet... I never wanted to stop fvcking you..but the cummedf came around I just had to pour everything inside you! It felt so good! Like so so good! You're one of a kind......😂😂 He said and laughed..

Chidi: it's only God that can punishh you... Is this how you do to people?

Collins: hahahaha.. wow you're so smart... How did you know that?

Chidi: you look pàthètic... Sexx starved and loved starved.... I guess you don't have a family or at love ones... that is why you brought yourself here.. under this stupeed stinkiñg room... Taking people's boxers and wañkíng on them! Fooolish gày! He said angrilyy to him..

Collins: bitîñg his tonque in àñgér again... Looking at chidi with an angryy face...

Chidi: wow... You're angryy? You think I would be scàred of you? No! Never I won't.... All I see is stupeed guy who's is love starved..and worse part is that he turns out to be gày! Rejected by the society and every one....I pity you!
Lonely foool...

Collins: busted into laughter suddenly.. 😂😂😂😂.. I won't allow you get through me...
I have done what I wanted since I set my eyes on and I will continue to fvck you every day and every night! You can't run away from me right now...

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