Chapter 8

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Scene 1 (continuation from last scene)

Collins: hmmm.. you can't decieve me please..
You can't just change your mind this fast....not after all I have done to you..

Chidi: hmmm..yes I'm still angry for what you did.. but trust me I'm ready to help me... Let punishh all those guys together ok!
He said with a sweet smooth voice...

Collins: hmmm....

Chidi: let me make you different tea..I will be right back..

Collins: hmmm....
I still don't trust this guy.. he said in his mind while watching chidi..

Few minutes later chidi was done with the tea then he brought it for Collins

Chidi: here is your tea..

Collins: taste it first..

Chidi: hmm you don't trust me?

Collins: I don't trust anyone please..

Chidi: hmm alright.m
The he sip little and gave it to him

Collins: collected it and drank little..

Chidi: alright let me go and take my bath before we start..

Collins: start what? He asked in a confúsed way..

Chidi: the normal thing you use to do...

Collins: what are you saying?

Chidi: for you to come as raàpe me na.. is there anything new here?

Collins: hmm.. you're not the one to tell me what to do! I will fvck you anytime I want..

Chidi: smiles... I'm nothing telling you what to do.. I'm use to what you do always that is it..

Collins: hmmm...

Chidi: entered the bathroom immediately..
While Inside the bathroom..

Chidi: hmmm.. I guess everything is going on smoothly for now.. I just have to take it slowly before striking...
He said while showering....

Few minutes later he Came..

Collins: why did you take Time?

Chidi: I took time? Awwwnn.. sorry..
I was washing everything very well for you na... So you can enjoy it better.. ☺️

Collins: enjoy what?

Chidi: came closer to him..placed his hands on his neck..

Collins: what are you doing?

Chidi: hmm? Nothing.. just feel like touching your body... He said with a sweet time..while smiling and rubbing his neck..

Collins: shift away let me go and bath.. he said while trying to pushh him away..

Chidi: common why are you pushingg me away? Huh? Don't you like what I'm doing? He said while looking at him in the eyes.. and reaching to grab his diick..

Collins: his body already relaxed... He was just looking at chidi..

Chidi: why are you looking at me in this way? Huh? You don't like it? He said with a sweet voice..

Collins: move away from me.. I'm not playing this with you!

Chidi: grabbed the diick immediately..

Collins: breathing heavily...

Chidi: reaching to kiss his lips..

Collins: just looking a him as his lips was going closer to that chidi..

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