Family jewels 15

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"Don't you find it strange? Only thing we share is one last name."

Today was the day of my mother's visit. I wore the nicest things I owned in my closet and put on a nice outfit. I finally finished getting ready and heard the doorbell. She's here. I felt so nervous, not seeing her for years. She looked older than she did all those years ago. Her hair was tied into a nice clean bun, flowers embroidered on her typical dress. She looked much shorter than she did all those years ago. Cody was inside the apartment at the moment so I felt quite stressed. She didn't hear about any other residents in Henry's apartment so when she noticed him from the corner of her eye, I was stressed.

She came in and put on her bitchy nice act towards my boyfriend. "So, you're Noah's good friend, right?" I fucking hate that tone in her voice. He hesitantly nodded and smiled with discomfort. "Your taste in fashion is very poor." She says with a gleaming smile across her face. She's one to talk with her crazy designs. I tried to change the subject but mother insisted I'd join in and talk about fashion. "Look at your friend, Noah. He seems like he does drugs. Don't talk to him a lot." She whispered in my ear, glancing at him.

I slowly nodded and changed to a new subject. College. I'm about to start college because I just got accepted at a university quite close to the apartment I lived in. "Where's Henry?" She simply asked with her honeyed voice. Sweet, but not to be trusted. She wanted to see him, but he didn't want to see her. "Er... He's at work." I make up an excuse, especially since he has a job as an accountant. Cody tries to make his way out of the conversation by saying he needs to run some errands. Which was a lie. None of us liked me and Henry's mother.

"Oh I think I need to go to my part time job!... Don't wanna be late..." I lied. "Ooh!! Where?" She smiled her evil smile. I started to sweat profusely and looked around. "Tim Hortons!.." I hesitated. She nods and looks at me strangely. "Oh yeah I might need some coffee and a few donuts because I'm so tired!" She really has to be a pain in the ass. "Oh uhm mom, the Tim Hortons I work at is quite busy today so you might need to check someplace else..." I lied through my breath. It wasn't obvious and mom can't take a fucking hint that she traumatized us all.

"Is there something you're hiding, Noah Sterecra?" My mother says with a very fierce tone. I shook my head as a response but it just made my mother more suspicious. Henry and Cody both locked our bedrooms since mom was coming. "Let me in one of those rooms." She points at the closest room. My heart dropped and I think I was just ready to commit a damn murder here and there. There's something called respecting boundaries and privacy? "Mom. Why don't you take a damn hint?" I growled softly looking at the woman walking towards the locked room. She slowly turned around and looked quite confused about what I meant.

She stares at me like I was crazy and just glared the same way she glared at Cody. "What do you mean, Noah?" She wonders. She tries to act innocent but I know her. "Can you not understand that no one in our family likes you because of how you traumatized us? Maybe not because you're so oblivious with your oh so innocent act!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was just so angry. She furrowed her eyes and grabbed my shirt tight. "ME AND YOUR FATHER PUT YOU GUYS IN THIS WORLD, GAVE YOU FOOD, AND-" "BUT DID YOU CARE ABOUT OUR FUCKING HEALTH?" I have never swore in front of my mom, and my body felt very tense.

She just grits her teeth and leaves. I call my boyfriend and brother to come home because she's gone. I felt so relieved because I hoped it was the last time I would see her. Although I have tons of my relatives planning to take her side instead of mine since I'm a 'kid'. I'm literally 19 and I'm starting college soon. I unlocked my bedroom and sighed with relief as I heard the entrance open. "Noah, I'm back! I was getting some McDonald's while your mom was here." I could hear multiple paper bags rustling in the distance. He walks into the room with his usual yellow hoodie and headphones with a huge smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile back regardless of what happened. "Your mom's car is gone so I was 100 percent sure we don't need to worry anymore." The brunette munched in a singular fry as he spoke. "I got 3 mcflurries, 4 burgers, soda, 12 piece nuggets, I got a ton of those, and I forgot the rest." He munches on another fry, so I was aware he got plenty of large fries. I told him to wait for Henry to come back so we could all eat. Definitely the best but worst day ever. I knew I was gonna receive death threats from many of my aunties, but who gives a fuck? I kissed my boyfriend and ate the food with him. Of course, Henry got some too.

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