Colby - Running off too

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Sam made his way into Colby's room. Going to ask him about something for a video. Only to be meet with an empty room. Colby did go out last night with some of their friends. But Sam figured he came back home already. 

Sam didn't think much about it as he walked back out of his room. Thinking maybe Colby partied a little too hard and ended up staying over at one of their friends house. He'll probably message Sam once he wakes up. So Sam just headed back to his room to start some editing. As he did he was messing with his phone. Looking through some stuff on Instagram. 

As he made is way into him room and sat down at his desk, he was scrolling some of his friends stories. Going trough some of them that Colby mentioned he was going out with. Sam scrolled through their stories. Seeing with they got up to last night. But something that confused him was the fact that ever single one he went through had no pictures of Colby. Out of the large ground of people that were hanging out and parting, not a single photo had Colby in them at all.

Sam became very confused. He decided to message a few of them to see if maybe if Colby did go with them , but just wasn't in any photos. And to ask where the hell he is. 

After a bit some got back to him telling him that Colby wasn't there and they hadn't seen him. Which confused Sam. Where the hell was he then? And why did he lie to Sam about it? 

Sam decided to just call Colby to see if he will answer. To find out where he is. The first call , Colby didn't pick up. But on the second one he did. A raspy voice answered the call with a 'Hello'. "Colby, where the hell are you?". Sam asked as soon as he heard Colby's voice. " I ended up drinking a lot last night so I stayed over at a friends.". Colby replied. "With who? The people you said you went out with said you weren't with them and they hadn't seen you.". There was a long pause after Sam said that. " Plans ended up changing and I went out with some other friends. ".  Colby finally replied after a big. "what friends?". Sam asked. "I do have other friends outside of our friends Sam.". Sam narrowed his eyes. Not really believing Colby. Something was up that he wasn't telling him.  "Okay, well when are you coming back home? We do need to talk about that video coming up.". Sam asked. "I'll be home later. Once I actually wake up some.". They then said a quick bye. Sam set his phone down feeling strange about that call. Something was up with Colby. 

*Cut to where Colby is*

Colby sighed as he set his phone back down on the nightstand. Feeling bad for lying like this to Sam. He knows that Sam wouldn't really judge him. He would be very supportive like he always is. But Colby just felt that now wasn't the time to tell him. Not to do anything with Sam it all has to do with Colby. He sighed feeling bad for lying. He tried to shake it off as he turned to cuddle into the chest of the person laying behind him. Letting everything go as they wrapped their arms around Colby pulling him close. The warmness coming off of them , lured Colby back into peaceful sleep.

A few hours later Colby woke back up. Moved to be laying on top of Y/n. Colby's face was tucked under Y/n's chin. With Y/n's face leaning on to him. One arm wrapped around Colby. Laying on his back rubbing up and down. His other arm was holding his phone  as he scrolled through it. 

Colby groaned as he moved to wrap his arms Y/n's neck. nestling  his face into the other males neck. Trying to block out all the light that was in the room. 

Y/n set his phone down as he wrapped his other arm around Colby. "morning Baby. Or more Good afternoon.".  Y/n said kissing the side of Colby's head. Colby grumbled something into Y/n's neck. "Baby I can't hear you with your face pressed into my neck.". Colby groaned again , before sitting up. He got up stretching his muscles. He reached over to grab his phone , checking the time. Seeing how late it was. "Oh Fuck I have to get going." Colby said. Y/n sighed as he moved to watch Colby get dressed. "Is there going to be a time you aren't going to be running off like this?" He asked. Colby gave him a sad smile as he walked back over to him. Giving him a quick kiss. "I'm sorry dear. Me and Sam really need to talk about getting ready for this new video.". Y/n huffed as he fell back. Understanding what that meant. "He still doesn't know?". Y/n said more as a statement. Colby didn't say anything more then a quick goodbye as he made his way out of the males apartment's and on his way home. 

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