Shadows of the Past Resurface

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Back in Nairobi, I stood at the window of my office, my secretary's voice a distant hum as she dutifully updated me on various office matters. But my mind was elsewhere, haunted by thoughts that refused to be silenced. Despite her efficient rundown, I couldn't shake the memories of Mombasa, the unexpected call, and the looming meeting with Ethan.

I hadn't mentioned the sudden call from Ethan to Miriam, knowing all too well she would seize the opportunity to remind me of the sleepless nights I had suffered because of him. Nor had I disclosed the matter to Andrew, who had sensed my detachment and inquired about my well-being during our recent conversations. My responses had been half-hearted attempts to reassure him that everything was fine, but the truth was that Ethan's reappearance had shaken me to the core.

A flashback pulled me into the past-a mutual friend's party where I had first encountered Ethan. His charismatic presence had drawn me in, and I had been intrigued by the way he effortlessly commanded attention. For months, I had resisted his persistent attempts to pursue me romantically, staying steadfast in my decision to focus on my own growth. However, his charm and persistence eventually wore me down, and I had allowed myself to say yes.

But the journey that followed was a tumultuous one. Ethan's infidelity with a colleague had rocked the foundation of our relationship. I had chosen to forgive him, convincing myself that love could conquer all obstacles. Yet, his cheating ways continued, each time followed by apologies that grew hollower with repetition. He blamed his actions on my dedication to my career, asserting that my ambition left him feeling neglected.

Days would pass without a call or message from him, and I had found myself perpetually trying to mend the fraying fabric of our relationship. I recalled the surprise party I had meticulously planned at a luxurious hotel, a celebration I had saved for over time. The evening had been joyful, surrounded by close friends who had shared in my excitement. Yet, as the hours went by, it became painfully evident that Ethan wasn't going to make an appearance. I had called, his phone ringing unanswered, the anxiety within me growing with every passing moment.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, I had decided to go to his place. The sight that met my eyes was a heart-wrenching betrayal-Ethan, blacked out, with a woman by his side. My carefully planned celebration had turned into a scene of agony and disillusionment.

That night had held something I had eagerly wanted to share with Ethan, something that had filled me with excitement. It was meant to be a joyous revelation, the start of a new chapter. But instead, it had turned into the epitome of my worst fears. The man I had believed in had shattered my trust once again, leaving me to question my own judgment and the depth of his feelings.

As my secretary's voice faded, I shook myself out of the past and back into the present. The meeting with Ethan loomed ever closer, and as much as I dreaded it, I knew it was inevitable. The ghosts of our history had returned to haunt me, and I was left grappling with a decision that could reshape my present and future.

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