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It was a sunny, but stressful day. Clarissa had an important exam today and she woke up late! She rushed out of the house in a flash, not even caring to use the bathroom, or comb her hair. She hastily zoomed into the main office to get a pass and head to Ms. Feltchers class for the exam, she knocked on the door and held up her pass.

"You're late, Clarissa." Said Ms. Feltchers, who looked at Clarissa with a death stare.

"I'm so sorry! It'll never happen again!" Clarissa squeaked.

"It's fine, just get the exam paper and get into your seat." Ms. Feltchers sighed as she went to get her cup of coffee.

Clarissa quietly sat down and began doing her exam, the question were actually pretty easy for her, seeing as though she was one of the smartest girls in her class, however, something else was preventing her from focusing on the exams questions..

"Ugh, I really have to pee, but I can't ask Ms. Feltchers! She's already mad at me for being late and she has that stupid 'no bathroom passes during tests' policy. I'll just go when the bell rings."

Minutes after that thought, the pressure on her bladder was getting worse and worse and she slowly began leaking into her panties

Clarissa raised her hand.

"What is it Clarissa?" Ms. Feltchers asked.

"Uhm, I really have to go to the bathroom. Can I please go?" Clarissa said while her face began turning a soft shade of pink.

"No Clarissa, you already know I don't allow students to go to the bathroom during tests."

"Okay." Clarissa whispers as she sat back down.

A couple of minutes later, the pressure in her bladder was becoming almost unbearable and she was leaking even more now. Overwhelmed with the possibility of peeing herself infront of her peers, she decided the best move was for her to sneak out of the classroom to go to the bathroom, sure she would fail the test, but she would rather fail than humiliate herself infront of her  peers, Clarissa slowly stood up and began shuffling to the door.


The entire class looked up to see why the teacher was yelling

"Why are you up?! You're supposed to be doing your exam!"

Before Clarissa could explain herself, a soft hissing sound was heard and tears formed in her eyes as she started to pee herself infront of the entire class, her gray leggings quickly became dark in color as the stream increased in speed.

"Eww, what is she doing?"

"I can't believe she's actually pissing herself, Digusting!"

"We have perfectly good restrooms!"

As the students began making even more remarks about Clarissa's situation, she cried even more as a puddle began forming underneath her feet.

"Clarissa, go to the nurses office, now."

Clarissa ran through the door with her piss trailing behind her as student continued laughing and taunting her.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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