Under the Falls

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(Warning: This story is rated mature and contains explicit content that may not be suitable for young readers. It includes explicit sex scenes and graphic depictions of violence, including but not limited to sexual, verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. Additionally, this story explores the issue of sexual consent in a manner that may be inappropriate for younger audiences. Reader discretion is advised.)

It could have been the perfect morning, but it was not how Ben Hildebrandt expected the day to start. A homicide was not all that unusual, as a Detective for the County Sheriffs Office he caught a few of those each year, but this one was peculiar. He found himself in the middle of nowhere with a whodunnit on his hands.

Miles outside of the city, In the heart of a scenic wooded area, where the lush green canopy of trees formed a protective cover, summer bloomed in vibrant glory. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting patterns on the forest floor, while a gentle breeze whispered through the branches, carrying the sweet scent of morning. A cascading waterfall spilled over a towering ledge and splashed gracefully down the moss-covered rocks, its crystal-clear waters shimmering under the dappled sunlight. The serene scene seemingly plucked from a postcard.

However, at the base of the cliff, on a table-sized rock in the calmly swirling pool, lay a lifeless body. Face up on the flat stone, a boy, seventeen maybe eighteen, wearing only jeans and gym shoes, who apart from the sticky drying blood beneath his head, appeared as if he might be sleeping. Even in death, his features remained strikingly handsome. His bare chest, soft features and tousled hair juxtaposed beauty against the grim crime scene. The tranquility of the surroundings clashed with the chilling reality, as if the soothing whisper of the waterfall mourned the life cut short.

"A handsome kid," Detective Hildebrandt said as he inspected the scene, "What do you suppose the story is here?"

Hildebrandt's partner, who had arrived some thirty minutes earlier replied, "He wasn't alone." pointing to the cliff edge, the source of the waterfall, some hundred feet above them, "There is more than one set of footprints up top, along with signs of a scuffle."

Hildebrandt looked up in time to see a County Evidence Technician moving along the ledge as the younger detective continued, "He hasn't been here long. A hiker called it in. No ID on the body."

Hildebrandt sighed as he looked at the young victim. The boy's arms were spread wide draping gently off the edges of the stone, one foot just reaching into the pool, the other leg bent slightly, at a natural angle. His well muscled chest, spattered from the spray of water, reflected the sunlight that broke through the canopy of foliage.

He had seen fall victims before, usually twisted and broken in the most unnatural of ways, but not this kid. He laid there like he was sunning himself and might get up and walk away. This scene had a serene beauty to it that was a bit unsettling, even to the seasoned cop.

"A summer camp for kids this age is less than a mile from here," Hildebrandt said to his partner, "Let's leave the techs to process the scene and you and I can start there."

"Summer Haven," replied his partner in agreement, "I know the place."

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