The Age of Innocence

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The night grew old on their first day and Emma lay in her bunk, gazing up at the wooden ceiling considering all she had taken in. Her mind wandering between thoughts of Picnic Table Kid, and Sarah's sketch of him, to the Frisbee Guys, and to the overall thrill of finally getting to Summer Haven.

Emma hated Blonde Frisbee Guy for reminding her so much of Sean. She hoped this summer would push memories of him back into obscurity, but here he was right in the front of her mind. Emma thought she was over Asshole Sean. He was terrible and she was glad to be rid of him, but also grateful she hadn't acted on her darkest impulses when her rage was at its peak.

There were many good times, though she didn't need to remind herself, he had been cheating on her through all of them. Despite that, all the recollections from the 'Age of Ignorance' were still intact.

Drifting off to sleep, she allowed her mind to go back to happier days. Emma thought of how she met Sean, the way his laughter filled a room, the feel of his arms wrapped around her, and the excitement of their first kiss.

Emma and Sean's meeting as high school freshmen was serendipitous, a moment that would forever change the trajectory of their lives. They were both navigating the unfamiliar halls of Riverview Academy, filled with uncertainty and the anticipation of new beginnings.

Emma, a shy and introspective girl with fiery red hair and a penchant for books, had always been more comfortable observing the world from the sidelines. She had an artistic soul, finding solace in reading and writing, often using her creativity as an outlet for her thoughts and emotions. Emma had a gentle spirit and a heart full of dreams, though she often doubted herself and struggled to step out of her comfort zone.

Sean, on the other hand, was a charismatic and outgoing young man who possessed an innate confidence that drew people to him like a magnet. With his sandy blonde hair and mischievous grin, he exuded a natural charm that gave him a knack for making others feel at ease. He was a tall and lean, a promising athlete who immediately got the attention of the Riverview football coaches, with an adventurous soul, always seeking new experiences and thrills.

Their paths came together for the first time during a passing period. Emma, engrossed in a novel tucked between the pages of a textbook, was lost in her surroundings as she walked down the crowded hallway. With her head down she collided with Sean, sending books and papers scattering.

Embarrassed, Emma quickly knelt to gather her belongings, her cheeks flushed at the unwelcome attention. Then that she looked up and locked eyes with Sean, standing there with an amused smile on his face.

"Smooth move," he chuckled, extending a hand to help her up.

Flustered and caught off guard, Emma accepted his hand and found herself being pulled up with ease. She sensed a warmth and reassurance in his touch.

"Thanks," she stammered, her voice just above a whisper.

"Not a problem," Sean replied, with kindness in his voice. "I'm Sean, by the way."

Emma managed to regain her composure, mustering a small smile. "I'm Emma."

From that moment, Sean's charm and charisma began to work on Emma. He had a way of making her feel seen and appreciated, drawing her out of her shell with his infectious enthusiasm for life. Sean took an interest in her passions, asking her about what she read and genuinely listening to her thoughts and ideas.

Their friendship blossomed and Emma found herself gravitating towards Sean's energy and zest for life. He would whisk her away on spontaneous adventures, taking her to hidden spots in town that she had never discovered before. With Sean by her side, Emma experienced a newfound sense of freedom and excitement.

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