Fresh Start

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"This place is gonna be good for you Karlie. We're so happy you're back." My mom smiled holding me tighter. "Thanks mom." I smiled grabbing a plate of food, I sat down beside Kimby and grabbed her phone.

"Hey jerk! I was using that." I smiled handing her back the phone. "You know the school I'm teaching at is yours right ?" I asked she nodded rolling her eyes. "I'm not smart enough to take calculus so thankfully I won't have to deal with you being my teacher."

I smiled a little shaking my head. "You nervous for your first day back?" I asked she shook her head putting down her phone. "I miss my friends! My boyfriend and I are on a break so he's a total douche and I don't even wanna see him-

She went on talking about drama at her school and whatever. I could care less about the students personal lives but it was a bit interesting to already get a good knowing of the students I was about to be teaching.

Teaching was not an option for me just a year ago. Ever since Toni and I broke up though, I stopped working in New York and moved back to Saint Louis. It's great and all to be back and getting this job was easy as hell and different from the corporate job I just left but I'm excited.

"Alright well it was nice to have dinner with you guys. Kimby you better sleep early for class tomorrow." I smirked she stuck out her middle finger when my mom was turned around.

"Whatever!" She yelled running upstairs I laughed walking out the door with my mom. "Have a good night dear, keep an eye on her tomorrow." She smiled

"Of course, goodnight mom." I hugged her again before waking to my car.

I lived only a few minutes from my old house but I stopped by the bar in town a friend of mine still works at. The place wasn't too busy for a Sunday evening and it didn't take long for me to spot the 10 foot girl I was searching for.

"Karlie!" Joan yelled I smiled going to hug her. "Hey you. You look so good." I smiled she blushed kissing my cheek. "You too! You're!"

"So you took the teaching job right?" She asked catching up with me as she poured mixed a few drinks, never taking her eyes off me. "Yeah. It's something different but who knows." I shrugged

"It's going to be good! Maybe this is you're calling." She said I smiled "Teaching A bunch of teenagers?"

"Yup. They come in here with fakes all the time. I've even seen your sister here a few times."

"Kimby? Sounds like her and some dumb shit she would do." I laughed Joan smiled walking to attend to the other guests that sat at the bar. "Well anyways I'm sure I'll be seeing you a lot more? Cara definitely wants to catch up, we should all go for dinner sometime."

I nodded "Yeah that would be good, the new apartment is kinda lonely right now."

"Oh I'm sure that'll last long." Joan rolled her eyes. "You got like girls all over you all the time!"

I laughed shaking my head. "It's not even like that anymore. I'm like 23 now and ever since the split it's been different to not just have a one night stand."

"I get you. It's going to be okay though. You will find someone way better than her." Joan grumbled I smiled a little, none of my friends really ever liked Toni.

"Well anyways Saint Louis is glad to have you back." Joan winked pouring me another shot.

Note: everyone wanted this so bad and honestly my execution isn't the best but I can feel this building up into something pretty good. Don't think this story will be super long so I can make the Taylor a teacher one also. Also sorry for this short chapter the rest will be longer just wanted to set an idea for the story

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