Rough start

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Late on my first day of the job wasn't the best I've done but it definitely isn't the worst. I quickly pulled on some jeans and grabbed a button up.

"You're leaving so early." The blonde in my bed groaned I looked at her softly. "Yeah..I was supposed to be there 5 minutes ago. Look I don't really know you but you won't rob me right?"

She smiled shaking her head I leaned down and kissed her. "How are you so pretty? It's like 6 am fuck okay I have to go." I mumbled standing up she just watched me amusingly before getting up.

"You're naked." I smirked she pulled on a big shirt and hugged me. "Have a good first day."


"I won't rob you!" Lily yelled as I ran to the door I smiled a little locking it behind me. Leaving the house while a one night stand stayed there also wasn't the best choice I've made but with work and it being 6 am I would feel like a dick kicking her out, she was a sweet girl after all.


"I can't believe you're late. And hung over." Kimby yelled I shushed her quickly pushing her inside my classroom. "Chill. I'm not hungover and I was hardly late now go sit down or something."

"I'm not even in your class! Ugh please just don't mention being related to me at all." She said with a loud groan and shut the door.

I fixed my desk a little and it wasn't long after Kimbys annoyed exit was replaced with some girls grand entrance. A few students started piling in and I greeted a few students many just went straight to a desk then on their phone.

"Okay if I can get everyone's attention." I called everyone quickly shut up and looked up at me. "My name is well Ms.Kloss and I will be your Calculus teacher this year. I honestly don't think I can keep up with your names so if everyone could stand and say something about themselves that would be great."

"You wanna start us off?" I asked the girl took off her head phones and stood up nervously. "My name is Maya and I like to listen to music." The dark haired girl quickly sat down and put her headphones back on. I smiled and nodded "Thank you Maya! You wanna go next?" I asked the blonde girl looked up and me and nodded.

"My name is Taylor and I like to go shopping." She smiled and sat back down turning to her friend.

"Thank you Taylor..and you?" The rest of the class went on and after we all introduced ourselves I passed out some papers informing class rules.


"How was your first day?" I asked Kimby shrugged "I'm going out after school. You can let mom know right?" She asked I nodded packing up my laptop.

"With who?"

"A few friends. Why does it matter?" She sassed I rolled my eyes. "Enough with the attitude I've had enough of those girls already. Who knew smart girls were popular." I smirked Kimby pushed me. "Those are probably my friends! Are you talking about Kendall? Or Taylor?" She asked as we walked to my car.

"I don't remember? I remember a Taylor though she was talking a bit to some guy. I hope they aren't going to be a problem."

"Oh it's probably her ex! He's like still so in love with her but she's over it you know? I've been telling her to get someone new but-

"Alright. I get it. I think I need to mention I don't care for the highschool drama." I laughed.

"I know! But it's so fun! Anyways Taylor, Kendall and Bella are coming over tonight so like have dinner at your apartment or something. I do not need them to know we're related."

"Get over yourself kid. I don't even know those girls anyways and I have no food at my apartment so no chance." I mumbled stopping at our house Kimby groaned of annoyance and ran inside the house I followed behind her and it wasn't long until another car was pulling up.

Before I got a chance to look at who it was Kimby ran outside embracing her friends in a hug I turned around and walked inside.

"Hey mom." I smiled sitting at the counter "Karlie. I heard your first day was...rough?" She smiled kindly setting a plate of food in front of me. "Kimby was probably over exaggerating it wasn't too bad."

"Have you been to your place since you left this morning?" She questioned I shook my head curious to what she was getting at. Kimby walked in laughing with her friends as they all made their way upstairs. I glanced towards them Taylor turned to me wide eyed and whispered something to her friend before they both ran even faster laughing.

"Are you hearing me Karlie?" My mom snapped I turned towards her shaking my head. "Sorry no. Why? Did something happen?"

"Someone. I stopped by your place to drop off some food and necessities and there was a girl there Karlie. You didn't tell me you were seeing someone?"

"We're not seeing each other. She's more of a friend if anything." I said picking at the chicken on my plate like a child. "She was half naked Karlie."

"Mom I'm 23. Do I really have to tell you every person I..have sex with." I mumbled she shook her head. "No Karlie! I hope there isn't more to tell until you find someone to settle down with. I don't want this to become a habit. All the girls and guys."

"Okay that's enough. Thanks for the food mom it was great." I smiled hugging her before I walked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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