Family Members

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Clara Bontrager, Cousin to Theodore and James, same age an all, have always spent time together. And Alice Bontrager,Claras Schwester, and their Cousin, born, Mild Down Syndrom, both College students from Mennonite College, Alice had a assistant go-along hired by her parents. And she is an English major, Clara Bontrager, an English Teacher, so they teach together at the Mennonite school in town.
   Besides that help go undercover for the town of Snow Peace Amish Village Town. Clara had a boyfriend Deputy Sheriff Peter Esh the Town Sheriff. And he trained she and Sister Alice, could use a stun gun only by permission. Clara a gun and a stun gun, both under statutes of limitations. Alice only to check situations not to exceed beyond that it is limited for her.
   Preacher Esh in charge at the Grace Mennonite Church. His son Caleb Esh born with higher function Down Syndrome was a farmer in town who shared farm with his Fater. This is Alice's Boyfriend, always going along double dating.
    Mater and Fater to Clara and Alice, named Faith and Philip. They enjoyed running the supper market in town, called " The Town Market. " They have such a kind gentle family, and Alice always having a tutor right alongside her since she was born. And our Daughter is super smart, Down Syndrome is a culture for her. She has made it among other children of her caliber of Down Syndrome candidates also College graduates specialized for them.
     Her Schwester, Clara on the other hand smart as a whip and they are a year apart in age
Waking up together in the morning hugging one another. Faith and Philip so very proud of them our hearts beaming.
     Preacher Esh, Goes by the name of Jake, his Fra ( Wife) Emma, sons Petter the town Deputy Sheriff and Caleb Esh higher functioning down syndrome. Also two daughters Maria and Abby Esh who go steady with Benny and Wallace Troyer, braudaars to Ashlyn and Margret Troyer.
    They always say it's a small world isn't it, rejoice, for we are a stairs to God's Kingdom. What we live on earth passes over to Heaven.
   Clara and Alice, off for summer from teaching, and getting involved in crime around town. As of yet nothing severe, so they answered phones from their home office, general information from the Sheriff's Office mostly identification files on suspects.
   Which they have computers were directedly attached to the Sheriff's Department files. This is their jobs to look up information on the named suspects. Then warrants are issued and, a deputy sent out.
   Clara and Alice both dressed in undercover to go shake down a place. That is investigate it without being noticed. For certain, they will do their best to seek out information on the subject's life. If it's too dangerous Alice is not going and Clara may go alongside Petter her boyfriend.
   The end of Spring, what it says in Amish territory is lots of picnics and potlucks. Lots of family and friends getting together for fun times. Lots of Horse Shoes, Volleyball, and quilting a big guilt for someone getting married or a raffle ticket.
     Spring means, scrubbing up the farmstead after winter boots track in even though we washed the floors at the time.
   Barns being scrubbed, inside and outside, Animals being bathed after a long winter time. Last yet not least the smell of a springtime thaw. Hearing ice break on a very warm day, streams of water running down the walkway into the grass or nearest ditch.
      Soon to arrive the love of summer time, June. Sunny days are anticipated ahead, plus watchful eyes for stormy weather. Love Blooms, lots of flowers, trees , and pure known knowledge of new life promises every year for the rest of your lives on earth.
     As the family lives go on through relationships, marriages and new Babies , and death in the end as they know it up on the hill in the family cemetery.
     " Sure yes give us a jingle on the Barn phone someone will always answer ",Mam Bontrager told a church member wanting an knitted afghan made for a nieces gift a graduation present. And maybe some matching slippers to go with or a shoulder bag .
    Maria Esh , a Veterinarian, she delivered horse babies and her Schwester Abby Esh, did also , their Business in the Esh Barns on the farmstead. All the Kinner turned out gut as we prayed they would.
" Your Word Is A lamp to my Feet And A Light For My Path Psalm 119:105
" This has always fit , myself Maria Esh and Schwester Abby while delivering Horse Babies , resembling an Amish oil lamp at midnight."
    Abby loved her work in animal Veterinary skilled business. The day has come being an adult made their lives hand made by themselves through our lords handy work.
     Giving to help others is a unique way of  inviting folks into your lives needing your handy work delivery horses into the world.
To know the love of a Horse is to know our father God.
    " In my heart I've felt a white horse representing Gods horse in heaven , you see he rides his white horse . Symbolism of God in his own right his territory the grounds he rides on Heaven," Maria said while at a lecture on Horses and religion.
    " To be delighted in new life being brought into this world , is I feel an achievement In itself," My name is Abby Esh , the town of Snow Peace , and I'm lecturing tonight on Veterinary Clinics delivering babies. Living on a farm own by our Fater. My Schwester and myself  own a Barn for our Veterinary Office . Working right there on the farm is a luxury in itself .  To us bringing a Mare to the Farm means we watch here and deliver it on our farm veterinary Clinic. Please feel free to stop and visit us and take a tour . Thank you,"
    Heaven sent to be loved by the almighty force of a Horse.
Folks gathered to pay their respects to Ebersole Esh, Great Grosspapa, as his remains lay to be viewed in his Farm house , Great GrossMama gone already to Heaven. He'd lived a long happy life of 104, and healthy of all things didn't look his age. They say because he ate fruits and vegetables only and chicken. A Belgium Farmer at Heart.
The funeral day pretty , humid for June already. Much to our surprise a farm auction followed by his request , money divided up amongst his Kinner. Never a dull moment in this Amish family .
Great Grosspapa, made gut decisions always, and this auction one of them. A teary funeral not that he didn't have his life cut short, he lived a long happy one for sure. It's just we won't see till Heaven again I guess is all were their thoughts in particular on this day.
Afterward a sit-down dinner inside his house, so neat and tidy as it was. Family and friends sat while church members served the meal. Turkey and all the fixings, and sliced pies or cake, kaffi, or iced tea. This lasted well over three hours plus clean up.
" I have in my hands the reading of the will, for Eboresol Esh. By his request, there will be an auction of the Farmstead right now, Auctioneer Simon Bontrager. And whomever its sold to gets equipment, and furnishings inside the house, and dishes, the family will survey it for his private papers which have already been done so."
Auctioneer Simon, sends the bill of sale receipt along with you today and one for the recorder's office, shall we start proceedings? Ok yes, the family tells me so let's get started.
The bidding started and lasted a while and suddenly, a buyer Paul Bontrager cousin to the Tree Farm owners. And Paul just moved to Snow Peace Village from Stormy Amish Village in the next town near by. A single Bachelor thirty years old, and his fiance had died a week before they were to be married a year ago.
A large-built man like Bontragers are dark brown curly hair, green-eyed tan man. His first thoughts after Rachel passed away from a fatal fall from the corn crib. She'd gone in to help her fater, falling to her death instantly.
Paul needed a change of scenery and this was his best shot at a new start somewhere else. Except his new start included the Cousins he'd grown up around. Which will be to his benefit in having fun.
And all the furnishing left inside the house he'd use and not move a thing except his clothes and favorite animals. His Braudaar Amos here with him today is moving along to live here. He will share farm it and be a great help.
Pamela Troyer there alongside Ida Jane Troyer they had helped take care of Ebersole Esh while still alive, to take care of him his Home Health Aids. They owned Happy Health Agency in Snow Peace Village.
" Hey ladies can ye wait a minute? Paul Bontrager asked Pamela, can we keep you on the pay role to take of the inside of the house, make meals both of you that is?
Yes, Thatd be fine Paul lets step inside and getting you started filling out papers, and have our notebook it has our rules common procedures and prices, phone numbers.
Once inside set up to the kitchen table, Pamela Troyer, set her briefcase on top the table. Opened it to take papers out. He signed them and she gave him a folder. He wrote her out a check handing it to her.
" No need for this yet Paul, Dankee and we shall start Monday morning early," Pamela said to him. " Dankee," Ida Jane said smiling, as they shook hands leaving. Today driving an old Ford pickup, oxidized green, Ida Jane driving. Mennonites are free to have a driver's license. She honked waving goodbye.
Paul felt so happy he'd made and proud of his newest purchase. And are cleaning out the farmstead, to make room for Adult Daycare. That means ordering new games, silverware with an elbow for the crippled to use for left and right hands. Special designed bowls and cups, plates sectioned off for good.
     A dishwasher was installed for sanitizing for guests. Wheelchair lift van, a wheelchair ramp out front of the house. Wheelchairs, one motorized one. Bibs, and guest aprons to wear while eating.
     New furniture order is heavily covered in vinyl leather so as to be easier to wash off and keep clean. In solid dark gold, scrolled material is designed.
     These went I to sitting rooms where a big-screen television hung on the wall. And plenty of wheelchairs accessible seats ready, and may regular seating. A snack bar and popcorn popper ,
Like a movie theater. So pretty and neat resembling a real movie theater. Besides this a nice game room. A napping area and exercise bed to use for stretches for folks use for crippled wheelchair bound I individuals needing to get out of the wheelchair and lay and do motion exercises.
      The music room, a piano, steel guitar, drums, and violins, microphone for vocalists.
Seating in a group black velvet chairs and for guests to set on to listen or just sing along.
     Everything starting to fill in ok , the pictures nailed up on the walls all looked wonderful of Amish farm life. In back plans for a small petting zoo.
      The wonders of Adult Home Health Care , also aids used to go out into the homes to take care of eldery . Along with a school For second and third grades school on the same property, for Clara and Alice Esh to teach school.
     Then the Veteranarian office , and clinic on the property too. A lovely setup. What a wonderful place to be working, visiting and live . Literally a heaven on earth .
      As of this day finished and opened for buisness. Guard dogs gut with people and set up to save lives roam the place.

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